Scl At Westfields Infant School

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About Scl At Westfields Infant School

Name Scl At Westfields Infant School
Address Westfield County Infant School, School Lane, Yateley, GU46 6NN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and eager to spend time at this welcoming club.

They excitedly choose from a variety of activities that staff plan around their interests. Children chatter happily to their friends and staff with whom they have built good relationships. Children support and play with other children of different age groups.

Children show that they know and understand the routine and rules of the club. On arrival, they sit on the benches and, when asked, can explain different rules that are in place to keep them safe. For example, children explain why they are not allowed to run indoors.

The club follows the ru...les of the school, which provides consistency for the children to help them understand what is expected of them. Children engage well in activities. Staff communicate well with children and support them in their play.

Staff plan focus activities around weekly themes. For example, children create their own superheroes and choose which powers they would like. They create pictures and capes for their characters.

Staff plan superhero physical activities for the children to take part in. Children work in teams and communicate well with each other to protect their powers.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers have worked hard since the last inspection to ensure that children's needs are met.

They have evaluated the setting and have ongoing plans to keep continually improving the club. Staff are deployed effectively to ensure children's safety.The friendly staff work well together.

They have regular supervisions and opportunities for training to enhance their knowledge and skills. They work closely with the school staff. Shared communications ensure concerns are addressed promptly.

Information about children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is discussed. Staff work with parents and teachers to help meet children's individual needs. Parents comment positively about their children's time at the club.

Children know and understand the rules of the setting and behave well. Staff supervise them well and if children's behaviour deteriorates, they talk to them calmly. Staff are caring towards the children, and children listen well.

Staff encourage children to make choices. Children confidently approach staff to ask for different equipment or resources to support their play, which staff are happy to provide. For example, they provide scissors when children want to cut out their pictures.

Staff support children to lead a healthy lifestyle. Children are provided with a range of healthy foods to choose from at snack time. This is a sociable time and children chat to their friends about their school day.

They spend time outdoors, choosing to either free play or take part in planned physical activities. Children excitedly run around the playground and use a variety of equipment to build on their physical skills.Staff are good role models.

They are polite and use good manners, which the children follow. Children are proud to show what they have made, and staff praise them for this. Certificates and stickers are given to children when it is recognised that they have listened well and made an extra effort.

Children proudly accept these.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Westfields Junior School Westfields Infant School

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