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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enter this friendly and well-organised club happily and with enthusiasm. On arrival, they are welcomed by smiling and attentive staff who ask about their day. There are a wide range of activities on offer, which are interesting and stimulating for the varying ages of the children attending.
Staff have considered carefully the resources provided, including those of particular interest to individual children. Children quickly become engaged in either the planned activities or by accessing resources of their own choice. Staff are excellent facilitators of children's exploration and play, allowing them to lead while being acti...ve and eager participants.
Staff are responsive to children's ideas and knowledge, encouraging them to share this by listening carefully and asking questions to support children's thinking.Staff support children to be active, providing a range of games and activities. Children participate in adult-led sports sessions outdoors, where staff encourage them to challenge themselves by completing a range of physical tasks, such as throwing and catching.
Staff know the children and their abilities well and adapt activities to make them challenging, but achievable for all. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and they act as excellent role models for children. During interactions, staff are polite and attentive, using both verbal and non-verbal communication methods to show children they are valued and listened to.
This is reflected in how children respond to each other, with care and kindness.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff support children to embrace challenge and develop the determination to keep trying. Using their knowledge of what individual children can already do, staff are able to offer suitable challenge.
Using verbal directions and gentle encouragement, staff help children to persevere. For example, as children try to pump up a ball, staff give short, clear instructions along with a demonstration to help them achieve their goal.Staff encourage children to feel pride in their interests and who they are.
They allow children to lead their play and show high levels of interest in what children are doing. Staff skilfully use narration and questioning to extend children's learning. For example, during small-world play, staff narrate what children do, encouraging them to think carefully about their play and talk about what they already know.
Children are also supported to share information about their own culture. Staff talk to younger children about recent celebrations they have experienced, promoting diversity and helping children reflect on what makes them unique.Staff support children to be confident communicators.
They use a variety of techniques to help children to continue developing their language and communication skills. Staff build children's confidence by showing genuine interest in what is being said. Children eagerly share their knowledge of ladybirds and Vikings.
Staff give children ample time to talk and they listen carefully to what children tell them.Leaders and staff are extremely reflective and have a clear vision for the club. There is a strong focus on children being and feeling safe, both physically and emotionally.
Leaders and staff form a strong team, who are motivated in providing high-quality experiences for all children. There are robust procedures in place to ensure planning and resources meet the needs of all children. Policies and procedures are embedded in practice, supporting children to feel safe and secure emotionally and physically.
Leaders and staff have developed strong partnerships with the school. They meet on a termly basis to discuss children's development and welfare. This helps staff to provide continuity in the care and learning opportunities offered.
Leaders have a good awareness of staff's strengths and skills and use this to offer a provision that meets the diverse needs of the children. Supervision meetings are used to support staff development, with staff identifying areas of interest. Leaders also use observations and assessment to identify any gaps within the staffing team or areas of development for the provision.
Staff report that they feel well supported by the leadership team, including their well-being, during the supervision process.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.