Shine Clubs @ Barley Lane

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About Shine Clubs @ Barley Lane

Name Shine Clubs @ Barley Lane
Address Barley Lane Primary School, Huxley Drive, Romford, RM6 4RJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are kind, warm and caring. They form strong bonds with children. There is a warm and friendly atmosphere in the club.

Children are safe and happy in this well-run club. They give the club 'a trillion thumbs up'. Children respond well to the high expectations which staff have of their behaviour.

They are polite to each other and enjoy sharing their time and activities. Children highlight how they enjoy making new friends at the club. Children's emotional well-being is important to staff.

Children become involved in the planning of activities within the club. Staff support children in creating 'mind maps' or p...ictures, for example, to share their ideas about resources they would like to have. These strategies help all children to share their ideas, including the very youngest children and those children who are speak English as an additional language.

Staff supervise children as they move around the premises. They understand their duty to keep children safe. Staff are skilled at helping children to make healthy choices.

A wide range of fruits and vegetables are available for children to eat. Children enjoy eating together and use the time to talk to staff and each other. They build on their social skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children use their mathematical learning as they fit different shapes together. They solve problems and make predictions. Children practise using their physical skills.

For example, they use their fingers to sew keyrings using different coloured threads. Children write their names on the pictures they make. They build on the skills they learn in school.

Staff reflect on how they support children who may have fewer advantages than others. Children benefit from a range of resources that they may not be able to access outside the club. For example, they use clay to make different objects.

Children proudly show a 'vase' and 'cup of tea' they have made. They learn new ways to make pictures using paint and marbles. Children gain a sense of pride and satisfaction from their achievements.

Staff support their confidence and self-esteem well.Staff constantly observe and monitor children. They are skilled in supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff work closely with parents to ensure that they understand what children who need additional support require them to do. They treat all children with dignity and respect.Staff create a secure two-way flow of information between themselves and parents.

Parents say they are very happy with the club. They highlight that staff understand how to help children to settle quickly when they first join the club. Staff are responsive to parent's needs.

Parents say they appreciate the flexibility offered by the club.Leaders place a sharp focus on developing staff's professional skills and knowledge. Staff benefit from a wide range of training courses available to them.

Leaders carry out regular observations of staff. Staff say they have regular meetings and supervision sessions are carried out. They say they use their training, for example, to help them develop a positive environment in the club.

Staff deepen their understanding of the risks which may face children in their lives outside the school and club.Leaders reflect on the service which they provide for children. They develop positive relationships with the school.

Leaders are currently seeking ways to develop a soft area within the club, where children can sit and relax after a day at school.Children use their independence skills at the club. They help to tidy resources away and spontaneously put any rubbish in the bin.

Children listen carefully to instructions provided by staff and are happy to help to care for the resources they use.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Barley Lane Primary School

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