Simply~play @ Christ Church

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About Simply~play @ Christ Church

Name Simply~play @ Christ Church
Address Christ Church School, 45 Commerell Street, London, SE10 0DZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Leaders recognise that staffing issues have led to challenges in running the after-school club.

Leaders have not provided staff with sufficient training on how to keep children safe. As a result, staff do not have a shared understanding of how to report concerns regarding children's welfare. For example, staff are not sure of the action to take when allegations are made against staff.

Leaders have created policies and procedures to ensure children's safety and well-being. However, these policies are not consistently implemented by staff. This compromises children's safety.

Staff have warm relationships wit...h children, who they get to know well. They provide children with a relaxed atmosphere to play in with their friends. They listen to children and find out what they enjoy.

Children are happy, they listen to staff and behave well. Children enjoy 'having a go' at new activities that broadening their experiences. For example, they play a range of sports and learn the rules to games, both inside and out.

Children are physically active. They cooperate with one another as they take turns, share and try hard. Children feel successful and this supports their self-esteem and confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a policy regarding the use of mobile phones in the setting. They understand that they have a duty to ensure that children are kept safe online. However, this policy is not sufficiently understood by staff.

They do not apply this policy consistently to all children. Leaders do not sufficiently protect children from risks online.Leaders understand that it is important for staff to receive regular safeguarding training.

However, they have not ensured that all staff receive sufficient training to understand the range of risks that children may be exposed to. Staff are not consistently confident to discuss the signs that children are at risk of harm. They do not have a consistently strong understanding of how to report their concerns to external partners.

Children's safety cannot be assured.Leaders create procedures for the safe collection of children from different sites. They carry out risk assessments to ensure the premises are kept hazard free.

However, procedures for ensuring the site is secure are not always robust. For example, adults do not monitor the intercom closely and ensure it is kept from children. This compromises children's safety.

Staff help children to select from activities that they find enjoyable. For example, staff plan a wide range of creative activities that young children enjoy. Children explore different tools as they colour, stick and decorate their creations.

Children are proud of their achievements. They enjoy creating projects from start to finish. This supports children's feelings of confidence and competence.

Staff support children to do things for themselves. They expect children to wash their hands, tidy away after themselves and clear tables. Children listen to staff.

They understand that working together as a team helps everyone to be ready to learn and have fun. Children follow the rules at the setting, they behave well.Staff provide children with healthy foods.

They find out from parents if children have allergies or food preferences. Staff ensure that where children have allergies their food is safe and prepared separately. This supports children's physical health.

Staff support children to be physically healthy. They teach children a range of physical skills outside. Children play in the garden, take part in ball games and climb on equipment.

They are confident and gain physical resilience. This supports children's physical strength.Leaders and staff support children to communicate with each other.

They spend time talking to children and listening to them. Children feel heard. They make friends with children of different ages.

Children express themselves with confidence. They feel relaxed and happy.Staff build supportive relationships with parents.

They understand that sharing what children have achieved at the after-school club is important. Parents say that children enjoy coming into the after-school club. They say that the information they receive from staff helps them to understand what children have been learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure that policies regarding online safety are consistently implemented by all staff 01/03/2025 ensure that all staff have completed safeguarding training to help them to understand how to keep children safe 01/03/2025 ensure that procedures for keeping the premises secure are implemented consistently by staff 01/03/2025 ensure that all staff understand how to report allegations about adults to the appropriate authorities.


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