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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are very happy in this welcoming out-of-school club. Their behaviour is excellent. Children take turns, share resources and listen to each other.
For instance, they know that they have an allocated amount of time on electronic devices. Children understand the importance of not having too much 'screen time'. Older children enjoy being a 'buddy' for younger children.
They show care and kindness to younger children, involving them in their activities. Children form close friendships as they play.All children can choose to play outdoors in the fresh air when they want to.
Children develop their physical skill...s. They play football, climb and balance on large equipment, and explore the 'forest area'. Children understand the rules of their games and listen to staff's instructions.
They benefit from staff's full attention when they are playing. Children learn to keep themselves safe. For example, they practise regular evacuations and know what to do in an emergency or a fire.
Staff, parents and children comment that the club is like one big family. Parents comment that their children enjoy themselves so much that they do not want to leave.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff provide activities which interest and motivate children.
Younger children enjoy playing with small-world play activities. They develop their imaginations and play well together. Older children draw pictures and complete puzzles.
Staff plan a good range of activities for children. They provide many exciting and themed activities. Children are motivated and interested to take part in activities during 'messy week'.
They explore dough, gloop and shaving foam, and make snowflakes.Children enjoy many creative activities and are encouraged to have their own ideas. They create pictures with natural materials which they have collected.
Children carefully use scissors and glue, and are very proud of their achievements. They spontaneously give staff 'high fives' when they are finished.Staff have lovely conversations with children.
They encourage children to talk about their lives and share their experiences with others. Staff extend children's vocabularies. They introduce new words, such as 'hologram', and explain what these mean.
The manager supports staff well in their roles. She observes staff's practice and gives them feedback. Staff undertake training to develop their knowledge further.
It is evident that all staff enjoy their roles. They comment that they very much appreciate the support which the manager gives them, especially around their well-being.Staff work very closely with the on-site school.
They share information regularly to support children's care and complement their learning. However, the manager recognises that staff could collect more information from other settings which younger children have attended, to support their transition into the club further.The manager collects the views of parents, staff and children.
She uses their feedback to make plans for development. For example, children are encouraged to suggest new activities and resources that they would like.Staff encourage children to follow healthy lifestyles.
Children enjoy snacks of fresh fruit and vegetables. Staff work with parents to provide their children with nutritious packed lunches.Parents are very appreciative of the service which the club provides.
They state that they are well informed about the activities which their children take part in. Parents comment that their children love the staff, who are friendly, welcoming and supportive.Staff work well to include children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They liaise with staff in the on-site school and other professionals to meet all children's needs. Staff have daily conversations with school staff where they share information about children's care and learning.Children develop their independence.
They know where to find their favourite resources and choose what they would like to play. Staff support children to develop their self-care skills. For example, younger children find their own water bottles, wash their hands and use the toilet independently.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager makes sure that staff are suitable to work with children. She has safer recruitment procedures in place.
Staff know the signs and symptoms which may indicate that a child is at risk of abuse. They understand how to report any concerns they may have. Most staff hold a valid first-aid certificate to help them to treat any minor accidents.
Children play in a safe and secure environment. They learn to keep themselves safe. For example, children know the importance of drinking water to keep themselves hydrated.