Skools Inn/Out

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About Skools Inn/Out

Name Skools Inn/Out
Ofsted Inspections
Address 444 Fleetwood Road, Fleetwood, FY7 8AT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

This unique setting offers a safe environment for children to play and learn.

The inspirational staff know their children exceptionally well. They use their knowledge of children to create and deliver a rich and varied curriculum, which helps them to make exceptional progress. The manager and staff often reflect on what children learn.

This means that staff are highly confident and have clear learning intentions for individual children.This setting succeeds at giving children rich experiences. These experiences promote children's understanding of communities and the wider world.

There are lots of opport...unities for children, including the most disadvantaged, to gain new learning experiences. For example, they go on trips to the dentist to gain a greater awareness of oral health. Children also go on weekly visits to the library, which helps them with early reading skills.

The manager and staff focus extremely well on supporting children's well-being. For example, they have considered the challenges that families face. As such, they provide key items, such as food, warm clothes and wellington boots.

As a result, children are well fed and warm and feel equal to their peers as they arrive for an exciting day of learning. Children's behaviour is exemplary. They understand the routine and know what is expected of them.

Children talk about the rules and why they need to share and be kind to their friends. During mealtimes, toddlers use their manners without being reminded, and they help each other to cut up their food. Children's behaviour is embedded due to the consistent positive role modelling by staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager, who is also the provider, is extremely confident, ambitious and inspirational. Her vision to provide outstanding care and education is shared and understood by staff. She models exemplary practice and is a very strong role model.

Staff confidently follow the manager's excellent approach and strong values. This ensures that very high standards of care and education are maintained for children.Staff know what children need to learn next and plan exciting activities that meet their individual learning needs.

For example, children competently problem-solve to work out how to get the flowers out of the ice by using warm water to melt it. Children demonstrate extremely high levels of self-control and perseverance. This gives them a superb 'can-do' attitude towards learning.

Outstanding support for children's communication and language is provided. Staff use new words and sign language when playing with the children. They pronounce words clearly and engage children in meaningful conversations, which extends their vocabulary and sentence building.

This helps children to make rapid progress in their communication.The manager has established extremely strong links with teachers from the local schools. She shares key information about the children to ensure continuity in their care and learning.

Teachers are delighted that children arrive confident and eager to learn. Children's key persons join children on visits to their new school. This provides an extremely smooth transition for children and helps them to feel emotionally prepared for the next stage in their learning.

The manager is extremely skilled and proactive. She has introduced a system to help children and families. This is especially helpful for those who speak English as an additional language.

For example, they have interpreters that visit the family homes to discuss their child's learning and progress. These interventions have enabled parents to continue to support their children's learning at home.There is a culture of reflection and improvement in this setting.

Staff benefit from focused, effective opportunities to consistently develop their skills. Training is based on the needs of staff and children. For example, recent training has helped staff to manage children's behaviour more effectively.

This has contributed to the high levels of respect the children have for each other.Partnership with parents is exemplary. Staff communicate with parents through an online app and provide daily feedback, which keeps them up to date on all aspects of their children's day.

Parents speak highly of the support they receive. For example, staff work closely with parents to help them understand the importance of healthy sleep patterns for their children. Staff also provide support to help parents adopt consistent behaviour strategies.

This partnership working provides huge benefits for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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