Sky out of school club @ Irby

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About Sky out of school club @ Irby

Name Sky out of school club @ Irby
Address Irby Primary School, Coombe Road, Wirral, CH61 4UR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wirral
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy coming to this caring and well-organised club. Children have excellent relationships with all the staff. As children arrive in the hall, they receive a warm welcome and smile from the staff who are eager to find out how their day has been in school.

Staff know the children very well and use the children's interests to expertly plan the many activities on offer. Children confidently and freely select activities that interest them, quickly becoming immersed in their chosen play. The club is fully supported by and shares the same ethos as the school.

This shared ethos contributes to the calm and very happy atmo...sphere at the club. Children behave exceptionally well. They are kind, polite and extremely well mannered.

Children follow instructions and understand the routines and rules that keep them safe.Children are given every opportunity to develop their independence and self-help skills effectively. Children hang up their coats and bags.

They wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet. They enjoy the many craft and art activities on offer. For example, children engage excitedly in age-appropriate activities such as learning to bake scones and measuring and mixing the ingredients.

Older children weigh out the ingredients helped by the younger children who develop their physical skills as they stir in the mixture.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that caters to the needs of every child. Staff offer a diverse range of activities designed to foster independence and equip children with essential life skills for the future.

They listen carefully to children so that they can make choices about their activities.Staff know the children well and are attentive to the children's interests, incorporating their suggestions into activities whenever possible. A poster is used to gather ideas for activities from the children, ensuring their voices are heard.

Children enjoy a range of activities carefully planned for them, including playing pool, drawing, painting pumpkin faces, baking and hearing stories being read to them by the staff. Children take pride in building their own creations using bricks. Children gain confidence and engage fully in the activities as they are praised at every opportunity and their efforts celebrated.

The setting provides an enriching environment for children. Staff offer theme days throughout the year, such as Chinese New Year, Diwali and Christmas. This helps to widen children's cultural awareness.

Robust procedures are in place to ensure that all children's dietary needs are met and that children who have allergies are kept safe. Staff organise a healthy snack time and give children an opportunity to develop their independence.Children prepare their own snacks, wash their plates and cups and skilfully pour their drinks.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff identify when children need additional help and provide them with encouragement and reassurance. Children's social and emotional development are supported well.

Children learn to become more resilient and to persevere with challenging activities. Parents of children with specific medical needs cannot speak highly enough of the setting's dedication to ensuring their child's medications are administered consistently and with care.There are exceptionally strong partnerships in place with other professionals.

There are excellent links with the host school. This supports staff to maintain the same high expectations for both behaviour and attitudes. This helps to provide a consistent approach for children.

Parent partnerships are strong. Parents are kept well informed about their child's time in the club. Parents are very complimentary about the care provided by the staff and 'that they can't be faulted'.

Parents say how their child enjoys coming to the club and that they appreciate the 'excellent' communication provided by the staff.The provider ensures that all staff benefit from regular training and supervision. Staff are aware of how to recognise and respond to any safeguarding concerns.

Staff work hard to keep children safe and make sure that they constantly assess the risks in all areas used by the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Irby Primary School

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