Smartkidz @ Haddenham

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About Smartkidz @ Haddenham

Name Smartkidz @ Haddenham
Address Robert Arkenstall Primary School, Camping Close, Haddenham, Ely, CB6 3UA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children relish the wide range of activities provided and are very keen to attend their club. Staff listen and involve children when planning activities. This ensures that they meet and continue to spark their different interests.

Children form very strong friendships and thoroughly enjoy each other's company. They have enormous fun outside, balancing on raised tightropes, climbing trees or building dens and serving a variety of meals from their mud kitchen. Inside, children join in cooking and creative activities, busying themselves with Christmas creations.

Children have fun joining in games and sports. This helps them t...o build on their communication, social, physical and creative skills. Staff engage enthusiastically with children during meaningful conversations, listening to their views and opinions.

Children are confident communicators. They settle well, showing that they feel safe and secure in the club. Children behave extremely well and staff set clear expectations, which they uphold consistently.

Children know the setting's rules well, for example, they take turns and include others as they play. They are kind and respectful to one another and use toys and resources with care. Children play cooperatively across the different age ranges.

They are energetic as they play outdoors and benefit greatly from plenty of fresh air and physical exercise.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and staff create a calm and relaxed environment. Children focus extremely well on their chosen activity and complete it before moving on to others.

They respond well to familiar routines and develop very good independence. When using toys, children take responsibility to make sure they are put away again when they have finished playing.Staff promote healthy lifestyles effectively.

Children demonstrate a good understanding of healthy meal choices. They practise self-help skills as they make decisions when selecting breakfast or snack. Children enjoy playing outdoors.

They have an exceptionally good range of equipment and resources to choose from that challenge their physical skills very effectively. When appropriate, staff support children's understanding of online safety through age-appropriate discussion, reinforcing the learning gained at school.Partnerships with parents are strong.

Staff exchange information with them daily. This helps to keep them fully aware of their children's time at the setting. Parents state that they are 'extremely happy' with the care that their children receive, and their children are 'always keen and excited to attend'.

The provider and staff work effectively with staff in the host school. A particularly good level of information is shared. This helps to promote continuity of care for each child and is particularly valuable to ensure that children with special education needs and/or disabilities receive the support they need.

Parents comment on the good information-sharing between the school and setting staff.Children have very good bonds with staff and are eager to share their interests. Staff are caring and attentive, providing emotional support when needed.

New children receive very good support to settle quickly. Time is taken to share relevant information with their parents and school teacher before they start.The provider and managers regularly review staff performance to help strengthen their practice.

Training opportunities help to enhance staff skills and knowledge. For instance, they have completed a great deal of research and training relating to outdoor play. As a result, opportunities for children to engage in constructive play outside have been greatly enriched.

The provider and manager ensure that staff have a clear understanding of safeguarding issues. They all know how to respond to concerns about a child's welfare. Staff are deployed well and are vigilant when supervising children.

They set clear rules and boundaries that help children to keep themselves and others safe.The provider encourages the staff team to share ideas that help him and the area manager to reflect on the provision provided. Parents and children are warmly encouraged to share their ideas, in order to identify further areas for development.

The provider and managers are currently embedding a change of management structure, to help provide a greater overview of practice across this and the sister settings.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider ensures that managers and staff have a clear understanding of safeguarding issues and how to respond to concerns about a child's welfare.

As a result, staff confidently know how to identify children at risk and understand the correct action to take. Staff are deployed well inside and outside to ensure children's safety. Appropriate policies and procedures are in place to ensure a strong safeguarding culture, including the safe use of mobile phones and cameras within the setting.

Also at this postcode
Robert Arkenstall Primary School

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