Smarty Pants Day Nursery

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About Smarty Pants Day Nursery

Name Smarty Pants Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Smarty Pants, 1 Plashet Road, London, E13 0PZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this extraordinary environment. They engage in activities that spark their imagination.

For example, they listen to stories intently, which enhances their language skills. Afterwards, they make tea for the tiger from the story. They animatedly re-enact the story through well-planned learning experiences, which ignite their curiosity.

Staff skilfully identify what they need to teach children at each stage and how this contributes to their ongoing development. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who speak English as an additional lang...uage, make excellent progress from their starting points. Children are highly engaged in their learning and behaviour is exemplary.

Staff build on what children already know. They extend learning through creative methods, such as music, movement and imaginative play. Practitioners guide children well.

For example, they demonstrate to children how to squeeze and release their pipette. Children excitedly squeeze oil into the water and notice the bubbles. They describe their play dough mixture using words like 'sticky' and 'runny', showing their growing understanding of consistency.

They demonstrate their prior learning by telling their friends to level the scoop of flour to get the right amount.Relationships are extremely strong. Toddlers learn about emotions through stories and are learning to link feelings with colours.

They hug coloured teddies as the staff skilfully name different emotions. Babies who are learning to strengthen their core are helped to stand and are encouraged to try on their own. High-quality interactions mean that all children make huge strides in their learning and development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is purposeful, aspirational and challenging, offering the best start for all children, especially those most disadvantaged. Funding is used to provide experiences for children that they would not normally have. For example, they visit the local park for weekly nature lessons and they engage in cooking activities to learn about mathematical concepts and develop their social skills.

Careful consideration is given to transitions. Children who are settling in are supported by their key person and their parents. The key person builds a relationship with the parent as well as the child, helping to ensure a secure attachment is formed.

Children who are ready to transition to the older room move up together to support their socialisation. This helps them adjust as they settle in.Children are excited to learn and show visitors what they have made.

Relationships are extremely strong and friendly. Children help one another to put on their aprons. They encourage their friends to turn around so they can fasten the back.

They are courteous to each other. There is a harmonious atmosphere that promotes collaboration, kindness and mutual respect.The setting is inclusive.

Children are aware of the different needs of other children. They know that some children are still learning to share and that some learn differently from others. Children are tolerant of each other and gain an understanding of inclusivity through careful explanations shared with them by the practitioners.

Parents praise the setting and value the high levels of communication, which are over and above what they expected. Parents feel supported in their journey with their children and talk about staff as if they were family. The depth to which the practitioners know their children is celebrated by parents.

All parents feel that their children have a home away from home where they are very well looked after. Children with SEND are supported extremely well and parents feel empowered by the support they receive from the setting.Leaders and managers have high expectations of their staff and strive to empower them through relevant training, which enables them to provide the best care for the children.

Staff receive training about how to support children's behaviour in positive ways. Children respond very well to the highly consistent approach they receive.Leaders and managers are thorough in their procedures and practices relating to staff, children and families.

A wide range of carefully implemented policies and procedures help to ensure that children's safety, welfare and learning are promoted at the highest level.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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