Songbirds Hedon LTD

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About Songbirds Hedon LTD

Name Songbirds Hedon LTD
Ofsted Inspections
Address 4 Baxtergate, Hedon, Hull, HU12 8JN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority EastRidingofYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Nursery leaders foster a strong vision that places children's happiness at the heart of everything they do. They plan an exciting curriculum that is aspirational for all, but still focuses on children's individual care and learning needs. The rooms across the nursery are carefully planned, offering children a wide range of quality resources and activities.

The homely ethos that is promoted across the nursery helps children develop a strong sense of belonging. Staff meet children's care needs very respectfully. Children thrive in this friendly nursery, forming strong emotional bonds with their key person and other staff.
.../>Children are very polite and show much cooperation as they play games with others. Staff sensitively remind them of the importance of sharing and taking turns. Children quickly become independent and confident learners.

They develop the skills and knowledge that effectively prepare them for their future learning. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very well supported by staff. Any gaps in children's learning and development are quickly identified.

Staff work closely with parents and relevant professionals to implement the right support for children. This means children with SEND can access the curriculum and make good progress over time.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are knowledgeable about how to support children's communication and language skills.

They hold meaningful conversations with children and use books really effectively to teach children new words. Staff plan topics based on children's current fascinations, such as different kinds of transport. Children are keen to tell staff what they remember, for example that 'an astronaut flies a rocket'.

Children become very adept communicators.The outdoor areas are superb and provide rich opportunities for children to be creative. Staff encourage older children to make model bridges, linked to a story they have recently enjoyed.

Children add water to sand to form a strong foundation for their structures and independently select the materials they want to use. Staff praise their efforts and teamwork, which really supports children's self-esteem and confidence.Staff use their in-depth knowledge of children to provide experiences that capture their interest.

Babies are captivated when staff show them toy animals that are trapped in blocks of ice. They explore the ice blocks with much curiosity. Staff show them how to use small hammers to release the animals.

Babies remain enthralled for some time as they practise and master this new skill.Staff plan regular visits to the local library and children's centre, where children eagerly participate in the planned events. The nursery has close links with a local care home.

Children enjoy these visits when they can meet and talk to the residents. They begin to understand how different amenities support their local community.Children become increasingly independent in their self-care skills.

Staff offer just the right level of support needed when children need some help, such as managing a tricky zip on a coat.Nursery leaders demonstrate much commitment to the well-being of the staff team. They hold regular events for staff, to celebrate the good work they do.

Staff are unanimous in their praise for the caring leadership team.Leaders reflect on the quality of the nursery provision to identify any areas to develop and improve. They support staff through regular team meetings and supervisions.

However, the programme of professional development for staff is not sharply focused on enhancing their teaching skills even further.Leaders carefully plan the times when children are getting ready to move on to a new room. They fully involve parents at this time and work closely together to support a smooth transition for children.

Parents hold the nursery in high regard. They value the information that is shared between home and the nursery and look forward to the regular updates they receive. Parents know their children are safe and happy, which gives them much reassurance.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus on continuing to develop the skills and knowledge of staff further, to raise the quality of education to consistently outstanding levels.

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