Springfield Bees Preschool

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About Springfield Bees Preschool

Name Springfield Bees Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Perryfields Community Hall, Springfield, CHELMSFORD, CM1 7PP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children and their families are warmly welcomed into this child friendly, exciting and inspiring environment. The staff team meticulously plans and delivers a challenging curriculum.

Superb support and skilful interactions mean all children attending flourish and make rapid progress. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The professional management team and the dedicated manager have created a wonderful learning environment for the children.

Children are consistently the priority and are the centre of every decision made. Therefore, children excitedly arrive and are keen ...and eager to learn and investigate the activities on offer, leaving their parents with ease. Staff are happy, nurturing and very attentive.

Children quickly become absorbed in activities and engage staff in their games. They asks lots of questions and lead their own learning, skilfully supported by the staff. Children's imaginations and creativity are supported as they decide they need a hospital.

The role-play area is quickly transformed to provide the resources they need. Superb conversations take place as they bandage their friends and prescribe medication. They write prescriptions using writing materials that are readily available throughout the pre-school.

Staff create an exciting dedicated outdoor environment within the school grounds. They encourage children to prepare themselves for outdoor play, and children competently and independently put their coats on with enthusiasm. Children understand how to stay safe when walking to the garden.

Children have formed trusting and secure relationships. An effective key-person system is in place, and staff have extremely high expectations of children's behaviour, which is exemplary. Children are taught the skills they need to be independent learners effectively.

Even the youngest children delight in making choices at snack time. They make decisions for themselves and competently use knives to make their sandwich and peel and chop fruits, skilfully supported by staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager ensures that the curriculum is meticulously planned and securely embedded across all areas of learning, both indoors and outdoors.

The team follows the children's interests and builds effectively on what they already know while promoting an inclusive environment. Activities are challenging and differentiated to ensure learning for all participating. This means all children, including those with SEND, achieve the best possible outcomes and are well prepared for success in their future learning.

The management team is exceptionally strong and effective. The manager is extremely passionate and motivated about her role. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and all members of staff share her drive to provide children with a high standard of care and education.

They work collaboratively and have a clear vision of what they want to achieve to improve outcomes for children attending.Superb opportunities are in place to support staff to continue their own professional development in order to further enhance and maintain the outstanding care that children receive. All speak positively about their roles and genuinely enjoy their time at work.

The management team acts as an excellent role model and leads by example. The manager values her team, and time is spent to ensure that the well-being of her staff is maintained.Parents speak highly of all aspects of the 'homely and welcoming' pre-school.

They comment on the superb support they receive as a family. They say that communication is excellent and that they are fully informed, involved and supported in their children's development. They appreciate the home learning bags and lending library and value the time staff take in getting to know their children.

Children thoroughly enjoy group story time and singing activities. Toddlers demonstrate great excitement as they choose props from 'the box'. They are very familiar with the routine and are well supported to join in with the interactive session.

They listen with intent and follow instructions well. All children demonstrate a wide and varied vocabulary. Children make rapid progress in their speech and language.

Children's mathematical development is extremely well supported through all activities. Skilled staff build on children's learning well, and children relish the challenges offered. They are keen to learn new things.

For example, children show immense interest in discovering what floats or sinks in water. They make predictions and use words such as 'hollow' to describe why some objects float. Children learn to negotiate with one another as they work in small groups.

Children's behaviour is very good, and even the youngest children show great kindness to their friends. For example, they offer them comforters and cuddles when they feel sad. Priority is given to their emotional well-being.

They learn to regulate their behaviour and feelings through focused activities, conversations and resources available to help them understand the consequences of their actions. Staff are good role models. They are calm and reassuring.

They listen to children and speak respectfully to them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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