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Springfield Farm, Marwood, BARNSTAPLE, Devon, EX31 4DU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children show delight being at this wonderful and exciting setting.
Staff warmly welcome children as they arrive and support them to settle quickly. Children benefit from close relationships with their key person and show that they feel happy, safe and secure. They are very eager to see their friends and clearly have formed respectful and very positive friendships.
Leaders are inspirational and have brought the outdoor world inside, within their setting. They have created wonderful light indoor spaces filled with natural resources. Children thrive in the highly stimulating environments.
Staff share thei...r love for outdoor learning with the children. They teach them about the world around them as they ignite children's imaginations and create a sense of awe and wonder in the experiences they provide. Children eagerly investigate and explore the magical woodland surroundings.
They benefit from learning about daily life on the farm and enjoy helping to care for the animals.Staff have high expectations of what children can achieve. Consequently, children behave exceptionally well and show respect for their environment and other people.
Staff skilfully support children's emerging interests and children are highly engaged in their play. Children show exceptional levels of motivation and independence. For example, they relish the opportunity to fill their own watering cans and enjoy tending to the fruits and vegetables they are growing.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have highly ambitious aims for their curriculum. They strive to provide children with the most exciting learning experiences that reflect the uniqueness of the setting. Leaders empower all staff and children to develop a long-term plan for individual rooms based on children's interests.
Staff skilfully use their knowledge of every child to plan challenging next steps in their learning. They support them to fulfil their potential and to develop a love of learning. Consequently, all children make excellent progress, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those in receipt of additional funding.
Children are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.Leaders and staff provide an environment in which children's learning flows seamlessly between indoors and outdoors. Children confidently lead their own play.
There is a wide range of resources that spark children's curiosity and enhance their sensory experiences. Younger children paint with twigs and leaves, while their older peers mix flower petals in water play.Staff superbly foster children's communication, language and early literacy skills.
Children hear a rich range of words and language, and staff extend children's thinking skills through excellent thought-provoking questions. Staff captivate children through storytelling and support them to develop a love of books. Younger children relish the singing opportunities available.
They choose their favourite nursery rhymes and excitedly join in with actions.Children receive very close support during times of transition within the setting. Settling-in sessions are personalised to meet the needs of the whole family when children first start.
Staff prioritise children's emotional well-being and they benefit from individualised care. Children have opportunities for daily play visits as they prepare to move up to the next room. Staff work in very close partnership with schools to create a smooth transition for children as they start school.
Leaders and staff develop fantastic parent partnerships. They provide regular communication about children's progress, including monthly reports. Leaders seek feedback from parents in questionnaires and value parents' comments.
They share important information with parents in a range of ways, including through displays, leaflets and home-learning resources.Leaders establish positive relationships with outside professionals. They are dedicated to ensuring that all children are included and this is at the heart of the work they do.
Thorough meticulous assessments are undertaken and any gaps in children's learning are quickly identified and addressed. Rapid referrals are made to ensure that children can benefit from early intervention where necessary. External agencies praise the professionalism of the leaders and staff.
Staff feel respected and well supported by leaders. Self-evaluation is fully embedded across the setting. Staff complete observations on each other's practice, which helps to identify their strengths and professional development opportunities.
Leaders hold regular meetings with staff and supervise them closely, which promotes staff's mental well-being. Leaders inspire all staff to strive for continual improvement as they pride themselves on offering families the very best care and education.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Robust safeguarding procedures are in place. All staff have thorough knowledge of the indicators of abuse and reporting procedures. They complete extensive safeguarding training, including the 'Prevent' duty.
Leaders regularly discuss safeguarding with staff during both team and supervision meetings. Staff know the whistle-blowing procedures to follow if they have concerns about the conduct of other staff. Comprehensive risk assessments are in place, and implemented for all environments.
Children are involved in learning to manage risks safely. For example, they learn to follow rules around the fire pit and when using tools for woodwork. Poisonous-plant posters are displayed and children have informative discussions with staff about them.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.