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St Andrews Church, Blagreaves Lane, Littleover, Derby, DE23 1PX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), enjoy their learning in this friendly and vibrant pre-school. They make good progress overall in all aspects of their development. Staff prepare children well for the next stage in their learning, including systematically developing the skills and knowledge they need for starting school.
For example, children learn to develop their fine muscle control and cutting skills as they design and create paper tree sculptures and collage pictures with twigs and other natural objects inspired by the story of 'The Stickman'. Such activities help to pre...pare children for the later development of their writing skills.Children are safe and secure.
They rise to the staff's high expectations and are very well behaved. Children, including those who find it difficult to manage their emotions, build strong relationships with the positive, knowledgeable and engaging staff. The staff skilfully help children to develop the skills they need to play well with other children.
For example, children know that only four children at a time can row the role-play rocking boat and happily wait their turn. Children learn how to take good care of themselves and live healthily. For example, they frequently spend time inside and outside engaged in progressively challenging physical activities and enjoying nourishing snacks.
Parents overwhelmingly appreciate the care and consideration staff constantly show and the very regular communication they receive to support their children's learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff plan well overall to help children build sequentially on their previous learning. They make good use of children's interests to ensure children are motivated and engaged.
However, staff do not consistently make full use of all activities the children participate in to fully extend and deepen their learning. For example, they do not consistently vary the questions they ask children to help them broaden their knowledge or model further ways to use emerging skills.Staff strongly support children with SEND and many who may be vulnerable and need further support.
They identify gaps in children's learning at an early stage and work very closely with other professionals, such as educational psychologists, inclusion teams and speech and language therapists, to address them. Leaders make very good use of additional funding, for instance, to boost children's communication skills and help them manage their emotions.Staff prioritise the development of communication skills for all children effectively, including children who speak English as an additional language.
They make very good use of songs and rhymes to engage children in listening to and learning new words and phrases. They introduce children to a well-planned breadth of fiction and non-fiction through, for example, the book and song of the month. Staff read stories well and help children to become familiar with new vocabulary and develop their understanding of the world.
Children's good behaviour and personal development are promoted well. The welcome activities at the start of each session help children to reflect on and recall how they should behave towards each other and how they can be helpful and kind. Staff support children well to make decisions and persist in activities, including those children who sometimes find it hard to concentrate and remain on task.
Children are supported well to develop all aspects of their physical skills. They learn to handle small objects and different tools as, for example, they make their sparkling star-print pictures or spread butter and jam on their toast and crackers. Children become very confident in pouring their own water or milk and drinking from open cups.
They develop their ability to balance and steer as they progress from simple three-wheeled vehicles to balance and pedal bicycles.Leaders are ambitious to ensure all children leave the pre-school as happy, confident and eager learners. They are well qualified and are strong role models to staff and children.
They support staff's professional development well. Staff are passionate about their roles and work well as a team and to share their training and experiences. Staff turnover is low and morale is high.
Parents strongly recommend the pre-school. They strongly feel that their children are well prepared for their future learning experiences, including starting school. Parents particularly appreciate how welcoming and supportive the staff are to support their children's diverse needs.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: sharpen the curriculum planning and support for the staff's professional development to ensure all opportunities are taken to fully broaden and deepen learning through all children's experiences.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.