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About St Anne’s Funhouse
St Anne’s Funhouse
Caretakers Bungalow, Wyre Hill, BEWDLEY, Worcestershire, DY12 2UQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enthusiastically embrace the exciting range of activities on offer at this out-of-school club. They thoroughly enjoy the time that they spend with the staff, who are friendly and caring.
Staff get to know all the children well and accommodate their individual needs successfully. Children benefit from a well-resourced outdoor area, where they choose to spend most of their time. They engage in energetic games with their friends, such as hide and seek.
They take it in turns to be the seeker and recite the number names in order before they go in search of their friends. Children have good social skills and respect the... boundaries that staff set. Older children look out for the needs of the younger children.
For example, they pick up equipment because they are concerned that it might be a trip hazard for the younger children. Children show consideration for the environment and initiate an eco-project. They learn to turn off the lights to save on the electricity, recycle their rubbish and have plans to develop a wildflower garden.
Staff ensure that the youngest children have access to quiet spaces, so they can have a rest or sleep. Older children know that they need to be quiet if they are indoors when younger children are asleep and respect their needs.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager reflects well on the quality of the service they provide for children and their families.
She values the contributions that children make to this process and encourages them to share their views.The manager provides staff with effective support, guidance and coaching to extend their skills. She ensures that new staff receive a thorough induction, so they understand fully their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe.
The provider understands the importance of notifying Ofsted of any changes to the provision.The manager and staff involve children in planning the activities. They provide children with an exciting range of activities and experiences that children enjoy.
These include outings into the local community, such as visits to the nearby nature park. Children thoroughly enjoy a range of themed activities, including Bushcraft Day, where they build dens. During 'indoor beach day', children enjoy recreating a seaside experience with sand and a treat of fish and chips.
Staff design a play environment that complements children's learning in school. This includes opportunities to read books and practise their writing skills. Staff support children to develop their confidence and self-esteem.
Children eagerly share their achievements as they write a page for the club's newspaper.Staff seek out children's interests and make changes to the play environment that reflect this. The children enjoy role-play opportunities and suggest what the role-play room should be.
For example, a hairdresser's, cafe or a home.Staff encourage children to be physically active and to build on their physical strength. Children enjoy using the adventurous play equipment and pull themselves up on a climbing wall.
They eagerly demonstrate their skills, such as spinning tennis racquets and hoops.Staff interact warmly with children and enhance their play well. Children eagerly involve staff in their play.
For example, they join in with chasing games and children catch them in a hoop, announcing that they have caught the 'bad guys'. Children and staff play together happily in the sand area. Children concentrate as they scoop fill and pour.
They make decisions about whether to have wet or dry sand and go to fetch water.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and set clear boundaries for them. Children respond well to the gentle reminders about their behaviour.
They understand that some rules are in place to help keep them safe.The manager and staff support children's health well. Children enjoy the nutritiously balanced meals and snacks.
They have access to water throughout the day. Staff follow effective hygiene routines and children know that they must wash their hands before they eat.An effective key-person system is in place and parent partnerships are strong.
Parents say that their children love attending the club and ask to go. They value the exchange of information between the staff and the school. Parents are particularly pleased with how staff successfully help children to manage any friendship tensions they may have.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The nominated individual ensures that all new committee members are known to Ofsted, so that the required suitability checks can be completed. They implement thorough vetting checks to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.
The manager and staff are vigilant about children's safety and supervise them well as they play. The manager completes thorough risk assessments for outings. All staff receive training in safeguarding children.
The manager and staff understand potential signs that a child might be at risk of harm. They know the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child. This includes managing allegations about a member of staff.