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About St Bridget’s Kids Club
St Bridget’s Kids Club
St Bridget’s C of E School, Brigham, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 0TU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements There is a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at this club.
Children are warmly welcomed by staff, who show genuine interest as they ask questions about the children's day at school or home-life activities. Children show they feel entirely at ease as they chat away with staff and their peers. There is a strong focus on children leading their own play and making decisions about how they spend their time in the club.
This helps to ensure children feel involved and thoroughly enjoy their time. Staff enthusiastically invite children to join in with activities. They offer lots of praise as children persevere with tricky tasks, suc...h as peeling stickers.
As a result, children are keen to join in and participate and display excellent concentration skills. Staff implement the same high expectations for children's behaviour as the school in which the club operates. This consistency helps children to understand and feel confident in what is expected of them.
Staff offer praise for children's positive behaviour and offer gentle reminders of the rules, where needed. As a result, children behave exceptionally well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are kept safe in secure in well risk assessed premises.
Staff complete checks on the environment and equipment ahead of children arriving and are swift to take action where children may be exposed to hazards. This helps to ensure children can play in a safe and well-maintained club.Members of the leadership team work well together to ensure the club is well run and organised.
There are robust procedures in place for the safe recruitment of staff, including clear induction processes. This further promotes children's safety.Leaders and staff are keen for the success of the club.
Following recent changes to how the provision operates, leaders are focused on navigating the new way of working and where improvements can be made. Staff are equally reflective. This good commitment to making improvements demonstrates the team's shared vision for the service they provide.
Staff build positive relationships with parents. They ensure any key messages are shared between teachers and parents and take time to engage in conversation at pick up time. This helps staff to build trusting relationships with parents that positively impact on children.
Staff are good role models for children. Their caring and attentive approach is reflected in children's interactions with their peers. For example, older children are nurturing towards their younger peers, acting as good role models themselves.
As a result, younger children learn to be kind and respectful.Staff use children's interests and topical themes when planning. Staff complement this with meaningful interactions, for example they encourage children to count the stickers on their hedgehog pictures.
However, there is limited partnership working with the early years teachers regarding information about children's learning needs, to better inform planning and interactions.Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children. Lively chats about children's home and school life demonstrate their secure relationships with staff.
Staff ask about children's thoughts and feelings, helping children to feel listened to and included.Staff value children's uniqueness. They encourage children to talk about what makes them unique and plan activities around children's family cultures and traditions.
This helps children to develop respect for others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.