St Cuthberts Pre-School Playgroup

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About St Cuthberts Pre-School Playgroup

Name St Cuthberts Pre-School Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Cuthberts Church Hall, Botanic Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 7NN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sefton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children settle exceptionally well at this inviting pre-school.

Staff have created a special learning environment in which children are safe and secure. Children arrive keen and enthusiastic to learn new skills. Respect is a golden thread that weaves through this exceptional pre-school.

Staff truly want the very best for every family. All parents and children are valued. Staff welcome parents.

They offer support and guidance as needed. Staff expertly use children's interests along with what children need to learn next to plan exciting learning opportunities for the day ahead. Children are consistently e...ngaged in meaningful learning.

Staff help children to develop their knowledge of the local area and delight in nature as they walk to the park. There is an abundance of meaningful learning to prepare children for the next stage of their education.Staff seize every opportunity to extend children's vocabulary.

They read exciting stories, sing songs and engage children in meaningful conversations throughout the day. The quality of interactions is outstanding. This helps children develop new words and language structures.

Staff have unwavering high expectations for all children. They are excellent role models who feel honoured to undertake their roles, which they do with enthusiasm and pride. Children create, learn to follow rules and understand how to keep themselves safe.

Leaders recently noted gaps in the personal development of some children. As a result, staff have engaged in extensive professional development and created opportunities to work with parents to address any gaps in learning. The curriculum is specifically targeted to ensure all children are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership is inspirational. Managers ensure focused evaluation, self-reflection and collaboration put the needs of children and their families at the heart of every decision. The professional development opportunities are targeted and focused on improving experiences for children.

Staff identify their interests and strengths, and leaders source training opportunities that will directly benefit the children. Staff are highly skilled and knowledgeable. Their commitment ensures all children have the best possible chance to succeed.

Staff are extremely well supported to carry out their roles. They have access to focused supervision sessions. They seize opportunities to discuss their well-being and receive specific feedback to help improve their practice.

As a result, teaching is consistently of the highest standard. This means children benefit from inspirational experiences.Managers and staff are overwhelmingly committed to removing barriers that children face in learning.

Staff complete thorough assessments of children's development. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive focused and personalised support to help them succeed. Managers have created exceptional links with external professionals.

They swiftly put interventions in place to ensure all children make excellent progress.The ethos in the pre-school is based on respect and real care. Staff work tirelessly to ensure all children feel loved and valued.

They want children to enjoy their time in the nursery. Staff give all children specific praise and encouragement. This helps children to develop an abundance of self-confidence as they believe that they are unique and special.

Staff seize every opportunity to help children learn new skills. Mealtimes are a social occasion. Children beam with pride as they put lunch boxes on each table.

Independence is promoted. Staff sit and hold meaningful conversations with children as they eat. Children enjoy healthy food and discuss their lunch choices for that day.

They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their learning.Children are enthralled by the inviting experiences on offer in the well-designed environment. The curriculum is planned to enrich the early experiences of every child.

Children carry out acts of kindness as part of their everyday routine. They give each other compliments and readily help each other with routine tasks. These acts make others feel happy.

Children develop high levels of self-esteem and essential skills to help them flourish.Staff provide opportunities for children to develop exemplary and respectful attitudes. They regularly visit local shops and learn about people who help them.

Staff create meaningful opportunities for children to celebrate significant cultural events. The provider goes to great lengths to ensure children have access to experiences that they may not otherwise get. Trips out to the zoo and the theatre help children learn about the wider world.

Children have a wealth of positive early experiences.Parents are overwhelmingly grateful for the support that staff offer them. Staff give their utmost priority to helping parents thrive.

Parents are provided with useful information to help their children learn at home. They love the nursery library and appreciate the high-quality books on offer. This helps children and their families develop a real love of reading.

The provider ensures staff have opportunities to get to know parents exceptionally well. They use the views of parents to set up facilities to help families access guidance around financial and family support. Staff offer workshops for parents to access advice and guidance on topics such as toilet training and communication and language development.

This caring approach makes a significant difference to the well-being of families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts the children's interests first.

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