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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Managers and staff warmly greet the children at the door. Children happily leave their parents and put their belongings on their designated peg.
Children confidently go into their rooms and choose their activities. Staff eagerly wait for all the children to arrive before doing their daily group time. For example, children join in with 'wake and shake' with the staff.
This is a music and movement activity which helps prepare children for their day. Children follow instructions and are excited to be at the nursery.Children behave very well in this nursery.
They follow the 'golden rules' which staff encourage, su...ch as to be kind and helpful. During large-group times children show good listening and attention skills. They listen to the adults and show respect.
Children have formed good relationships with their peers and staff.Managers have an ambitious curriculum which promotes a love for learning. Children are curious learners.
They enjoy exploring a range of natural resources. For example, children put pine cones in water and find that they close when wet. The nursery goes on outings in the local community, such as to the local allotment, park, library and retirement home.
Staff use these opportunities to teach children about the world around them and how to keep themselves safe. Children relish these new opportunities.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nursery provides excellent support for families from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Staff use funding to give children opportunities that supports their development. For example, resources and programmes to support children's communication and language development have been implemented well. Home visits are conducted before children join the nursery.
This helps staff ensure children's needs can be met from the beginning. Children are making good progress in their learning and development.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and children with English as an additional language well.
They use their knowledge and experience to help identify children's needs. Staff work together to plan small achievable targets for children. For example, staff work with families to promote their home language.
Staff use visual aids to support children to learn the English language. Children learn nursery rhymes by listening to them in their home language first. All children have a positive attitude towards their learning.
Staff promote independence from babies up to pre-school. For example, all children feed themselves at mealtimes and older children wash their utensils afterwards. Children confidently access a range of activities.
All areas of development are promoted and the environment is fully accessible to all children. Staff join in with children's chosen and extend learning well. However, staff do not effectively use adult-led activities to support children to learn new skills.
There is a strong focus on communication and language development. Staff assess children's language capabilities and identify areas that need more support, such as supporting children to learn positional language. Children take part in an obstacle course where they learn to go 'under' equipment.
This gives children a better understanding of the word and its meaning. Children communicate well with each other and staff use rich language when talking to them.Staff feel very supported by their management team.
They get opportunities to extend their professional development. Staff have regular supervision sessions where they can choose their own targets and training. However, targets do not always specifically focus on how to improve teaching further so that children receive an even higher quality of education.
Staff work with parents to ensure they meet their child's needs. For example, parents fill out 'all about me' forms and staff follow home-care routines. Staff use an online system to communicate with parents about how children's development is progressing.
Parents praise the nursery for making it an inclusive setting. For example, staff teach children about different religions, beliefs and celebrations. Parents know their children are thriving in their development and feel extremely supported by the managers and staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review and improve the implementation of adult-led activities so that all children are fully supported to learn new skills nenhance further the coaching opportunities for staff to help them raise the quality of teaching to an even higher level.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.