St John’s Out of School Club (Rishworth)

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About St John’s Out of School Club (Rishworth)

Name St John’s Out of School Club (Rishworth)
Address St. Johns C Of E Junior & Infant School, Godly Lane, Rishworth, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4QR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Calderdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enter the club excited to see the staff and their friends from the different year groups. They follow the familiar routine as they hang up their coats and bags, wash their hands and line up to get their snack, choosing a drink of milk or water.

Children of all ages play well together and happily engage in an extensive range of activities. These include a range of board games, construction activities and arts and crafts, where they work collaboratively on large scale art and design.Children behave extremely well.

Staff are warm, kind and caring towards the children and children respond in the same way. Staff positi...vely reinforce good behaviour and good values through incentive schemes, such as the smiley face chart. Children get recognised for being kind to others, making good choices, being helpful and undertaking responsibilities.

Staff ensure all children get recognised and rewarded for their efforts, all having the opportunity to earn a smiley face and getting a prize from the box.Staff actively seek feedback about the club from both parents and children and this helps to shape the provision. Staff give the children surveys to complete to seek their views and input.

Children get fully onboard with this; they ask to add bagels to the menu choice and staff meet their request. Staff discuss all requests from the children and explore how they can accommodate these or, if not, they clearly explain the reasons why.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Collections and drops offs at school are well managed to ensure children are safe and well cared for.

Staff deployment is effective and all staff understand their roles. Good channels of communication with school ensures key information is passed on, which helps with continuity of care for the children.Staff interactions are supportive and nurturing.

Staff play enthusiastically alongside the children, join in their games and engage them in conversation about their school day. They know the children well and take the time to listen to what the children have to say and this helps to support children's emotional well-being.Staff ensure that all the children's contributions and efforts are recognised and celebrated.

To celebrate children's achievements, they are given a token to put in the pasta jar, once the jar is full the children get to decide what their collective reward will be. They choose to go on picnics and to purchase a new DVD to watch with their friends.Children enjoy expressing themselves creatively and upcycle empty boxes into useful items for a new purpose.

They enjoy decorating these with a range of materials, including gluing on pipe cleaners, which they skilfully shape into various designs. They enjoy tracing and colouring and show good pencil control.Snacks and meals are healthy and nutritious, and children have an extensive range to choose from.

They are encouraged to try the selection of fruits on offer, learning about the importance of healthy living. Staff encourage children's independence during daily routines, and they learn about responsibility, as they help tidy away their cups and plates after their meals.Staff support children to be increasingly more responsible and independently manage tasks.

They share and take turns well, for example, as they add their name to a waiting list to play games on electronic PC devices. Staff are on hand to offer support as they write their name on the list and work out when their 10-minute slot will be so they can write it down. They look at the clock and manage this well between themselves with staff overseeing this.

There are safe recruitment procedures in place to employ new staff. All relevant checks are undertaken to ensure they are suitable to work with children. The committee is supportive and has a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities.

The manager actively encourages staff to attend training to further their knowledge and skills. As a team they work well together and continually reflect on the quality of what they provide for children, building on the already high-quality experiences for children.Parents say they value the club and they report that they are well informed about how their children spend their time.

Children report how they enjoy coming to the club, playing with their friends, and that they enjoy the range of activities they get to choose from, as well as the extensive choice at mealtimes.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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