St Joseph’s Badgers

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About St Joseph’s Badgers

Name St Joseph’s Badgers
Address St. Josephs RC Primary School, Cherry Orchard, LICHFIELD, Staffordshire, WS14 9AN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy themselves at this friendly and well-organised club.

Staff get to know the children well and ensure that they all receive a warm welcome. They talk to children about the activities and experiences they would like to get involved in. Children are secure in knowing that staff pay close attention to their wishes and feelings.

Children confidently share their thoughts and ideas about the club with visitors.Children enjoy being creative. They spend prolonged periods working on pictures and decorations to display or take home.

Staff provide children with an interesting range of collage resource...s. Children persevere with glue, pompoms and glitter. They chat as they sit together in the craft area.

Children are interested in each other's ideas. They happily share, ensuring that everyone can take a turn with materials. Staff consistently praise children for their imagination and perseverance.

Children show pride in their creations.Children benefit from spending a lot of time outdoors. They enthusiastically access the large playground and field area adjacent to the club.

Children are physically active. They play cooperatively as they organise games of football and basketball. Other children play on the trim trail, using their climbing and balancing skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff organise the club highly effectively. Children are clear about the choices they can make across the setting. Staff deploy themselves well to ensure that all children receive positive interactions.

Children engage in active play in the school hall. They delight in picking teams and engaging in an exciting game of dodgeball. Children confidently share the rules of the game with new members of staff.

Leaders and staff invite children to get involved in experiences that develop their skills and talents. Leaders identify and use staff members' strengths to extend the opportunities on offer. For example, children are eager to sign up to the choir that is planned to start this term.

Staff get to know the children well. They use their knowledge of the children's personalities and interests to meet their individual needs. For example, staff set up games and tournaments for children who are keen to play chess.

Children delight in playing alongside staff. They invite them into their sports activities, board games and imaginary play.Children are exceptionally clear about the expectations of them.

They confidently share the rules with visitors. Children understand the need for the club rules with regards to keeping everybody safe. Staff consistently and respectfully support children to make the right choices.

As a result of this, children understand right from wrong. They also support each other to follow the rules, for example to sit down while they are eating.Children learn about the local community.

For example, they have the opportunity to make creations for a Christmas tree at the cathedral that they will visit and decorate. Children talk to staff about how soon they can get started on this. They are excited and eager to get involved.

Children are keen to tell visitors about all the activities in the club. They talk fondly of how they like to spend time with their friends and state that the staff are friendly and kind. Children confidently lead visitors around the club to share all the different opportunities on offer.

Staff ensure that the service is inclusive. They are strong role models for all children. Staff consistently demonstrate kindness and compassion.

They talk to children about how they are feeling and respond sensitively when children need support. Staff adjust their communication effectively to meet the individual needs of children. Children consistently respond positively to the staff and their peers.

Managers and staff have very strong partnerships with staff in the school served by the club. Communication is clear and this contributes positively to the way that the school and club work together to meet the needs of the children.Parents are thrilled with the club.

They are delighted with the outdoor experiences that children access. Parents appreciate the partnerships that staff develop with them. They comment on how this helps with children's understanding and regulation.

Parents share that their children are always very happy to attend the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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St Michael’s CofE (C) Primary School Five Spires Academy St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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