St Mary’s Pre-school

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About St Mary’s Pre-school

Name St Mary’s Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Mary’s School, Cookham Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 7EG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WindsorandMaidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The provider, relatively new to his role, has acquired a good knowledge and understanding of his responsibilities. Staff implement his policies, procedures and risk assessments to effectively promote children's health, safety and well-being.

• Staff know children very well. They demonstrate a good understanding of children's starting points and plan well for their learning. However, procedures to more robustly monitor and evaluate the progress of groups of children are not yet fully embedded in their practice.

Children make good progress and are eager to take part in the activities. Their progress is shared with parents in a timely way. • Overall..., staff are confident in their teaching skills.

This is demonstrated as staff help children explore with curiosity about what happens to ice as it melts. They use hammers to break up the ice and find petals and flowers hidden within. At times, however, not all staff make the best of all opportunities to challenge children and extend their thinking even further.

• Staff offer a highly stimulating environment and a wide range of activities. This remarkable environment, particularly outdoors, makes a significant impact on how all children gain independence and confidence. For example, children make their own risk assessments when climbing and taking part in physical play.

They work together as a team during their imaginary experiences. For example, when building bridges with wooden planks they find the best way to cross over pathways from one side to the other. • Children behave exceptionally well throughout the day.

They fully understand staff expectations and are extremely aware of their routines. Children have high levels of respect for their friends. • Parents are very positive about the care their children receive.

They state that their children love forest school activities and add that staff are 'fantastic'. Parents acknowledge that children are developing strong social skills and are making good progress in their speech and communication. Parents of children who speak English as an additional language state that children are highly supported.

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