St Mary’s Out of School Care

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About St Mary’s Out of School Care

Name St Mary’s Out of School Care
Address St. Marys C of E Primary School, School Lane, AMERSHAM, Buckinghamshire, HP7 0EL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive excited at this welcoming club. They are greeted by warm, friendly staff who know them well. Children happily choose from the wide range of activities that staff have set out for them.

Staff plan activities based on children's interests. Children interact well with each other and staff. Older children enjoy supporting and playing with younger children and show kindness towards them.

Children show that they know and understand the routine and rules of the club. They behave well and listen to the instructions from staff. Consistency between the school and club ensures that children know what is expected of th...em.

Staff encourage the children to make choices and be independent. For example, children choose new activities to play with and self-serve their snack. They clear their snack when finished and tidy the play areas.

Staff communicate well with the children. They support children in their play and have clear expectations of them. Staff regularly evaluate the area available to children and adapt this to meet the children's needs.

Children are highly engaged in their activities and develop their imagination through play. For example, children use junk modelling to create handbags and hats. They proudly show these to their friends and adults.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers have a clear vision for the club. They create a safe and inclusive environment that meets the needs of all children. Staff have regular supervisions and opportunities for training which enhance their skills.

Staff build strong partnerships with the school. They work closely with the headteacher and class teachers. Regular meetings ensure that any updates are shared, and concerns are addressed promptly.

Staff plan activities to meet children's interests and support their age and stage of development. They plan a range of creative activities that encourage children to use their imaginations or to sit quietly to draw if they choose.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well.

Staff attend training to ensure they meet the individual needs of the children. They work closely with the school, parents, and other agencies to ensure consistency and children receive the support they need. Staff know the children and their families circumstances well and offer support and advice.

Staff encourage a healthy lifestyle. Children choose from a range of healthy snacks. They enjoy outdoor time and play in the garden with balls, hoops and use climbing equipment.

Children come in excited to talk about the games they have been playing.Parents praise the staff for the care and support their children are given. Parents speak to staff about their children's needs and appreciate the advice they receive.

They comment on the range of activities that the staff provide for the children, and that staff are warm and caring. Parents receive regular feedback and updates from staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers and staff know and understand their responsibilities to safeguard children. They recognise signs that may indicate that a child is at risk of harm or abuse. Staff know how to report any concerns they may have for either an adult or child.

Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure the close supervision of children. Staff are first aid trained and understand the procedures should a child become ill or have an accident. They risk assess the equipment and resources used by children.

Also at this postcode
St Mary’s CofE Primary School, Amersham

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