St Saviours Pre-School

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About St Saviours Pre-School

Name St Saviours Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Saviours Church Hall, Sandpit Lane, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 4DF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive at the setting eager and ready to begin their pre-school day.

Children have an excellent understanding of the pre-school routine. For example, older children know to go straight to the 'Rainbow Room' and put their book bags into the box. Children immediately become engaged in activities, looking to see where the dinosaurs are today.

They are delighted when they see the volcano and river area and begin building their own construction pieces around it.Children develop warm relationships with all staff within the pre-school. As they arrive, children seek out certain staff members, welcoming physical comfor...t from them.

This demonstrates how safe and secure children feel within the pre-school. Staff take time to get to know children. They work with children's families to find out about their interests and the skills they have already achieved.

Staff use this knowledge to create activities which children enjoy, encouraging them to develop a love of learning.Children behave well. They are kind to each other and help each other when needed.

Staff work hard to support children with sharing toys. They talk to children about why they need to share, helping them to understand the pre-school's rules and values.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leaders and staff team have a clear understanding of what they would like children to learn while at the pre-school.

Staff use regular assessments to look for gaps in children's learning, creating activities and experiences for children to begin to develop these skills. Activities are often repeated in different ways so children can gain confidence in the knowledge they already have.Staff successfully promote children's communication and language skills.

They come down to the children's level and talk to them in a soft, calm and friendly tone, maintaining eye contact. Older children ask staff what words mean as they are used in sentences, such as, 'What does famous mean?' as they discuss the volcanoes in Italy.Children develop a clear love for books.

Staff regularly share stories with children, using different voices and tones to keep children engaged. Each week staff share a book with the whole pre-school based on their current theme. Older children benefit from a lending library.

They talk with staff about the book they have been reading each week. This supports children's school readiness.Children are sometimes encouraged to develop their independence.

However, staff are not consistent in providing opportunities for children to manage their personal needs. For example, some children pour their own drinks a snack time. However, at other times, staff pour children's drinks.

Children enjoy investigating and exploring during planned activities. However, staff do not consistently allow children to think of their own ideas. For example, staff tell children how to fix their pom-poms onto a tube rather than allowing them to find their own ways.

Parents speak highly of the pre-school. They comment on how happy their children are and how much they talk about their pre-school day when they get home. Staff regularly share development information with parents and work with them to ensure consistency for all children.

Parents return with younger siblings as they find the staff 'approachable and friendly'.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported within the pre-school. Staff quickly identify where children may need additional support and work closely with families to support them through this process.

Leaders share training courses with parents at home so approaches can be used consistently. As a result, all children make good progress in their learning and development.The pre-school staff team have worked together for many years, and this is evident in the cohesive approach they take.

Staff regularly share ideas and training with each other and place the children at the heart of everything they do. Staff feel very well supported by the leaders and enjoy the time they spend at the pre-school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of safeguarding and their roles and responsibilities. They are confident to record and report any concerns they may have about children and know the relevant professionals they need to share information with. Staff understand local issues such as county lines and know their responsibilities under the 'Prevent' duty guidance.

Procedures are in place for monitoring children's attendance and staying in contact with families, ensuring that all children are kept safe. Regular safeguarding training is completed by all staff to ensure that their knowledge is current.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make the most of opportunities to help children to develop their independence support staff to enable children to think of their own ideas and try tasks by themselves.

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