St Swithun’s Play Active Club

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About St Swithun’s Play Active Club

Name St Swithun’s Play Active Club
Address St Swithun’s Church of England VC Primary School, Ivel Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 1AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CentralBedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff and leaders create a dynamic and stimulating environment and children feel happy and safe. Staff welcome all children into the setting with a big smile, guiding them towards meaningful ventures and resources.

Children confidently express their interests and preferences, and supportive staff carefully consider these when planning a wide range of activities. They follow specific themes of learning, often linked to the school's topics. Staff continuously prompt children to make their own choices to support their self-esteem and independence.

For example, at snack time children choose their favourite food, while staff pr...omote healthy eating. Staff and leaders are warm and supportive. They have very high expectations of children, who in return behave exceptionally well, showing great manners and respect towards their peers and staff.

They follow the setting's routines and boundaries with confidence and navigate their learning provision with ease and enthusiasm. Children form effective and fond relationships with the staff, who are readily available to meet their needs. For example, when children need some quiet time, nurturing staff promptly make provisions for this, and children quickly calm and settle.

Furthermore, staff value children's achievements and efforts and implement creative ways to reward them. This helps children feel involved and appreciated during their time at this setting, which supports their emotional development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff and leaders are very knowledgeable.

They ensure they offer a diverse and inclusive practice. Leaders implement robust systems to gather information about children, such as interests, hobbies and special requirements, before they start at this setting. They also collaborate well with the school to ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported effectively.

As a result, children adapt and settle at this setting very quickly.Staff are excellent role models. They model language well and continuously engage children in meaningful conversations about what they are doing or their day at school.

Staff's incessant curiosity allows them to get to know children better with the view to meet their needs and make their experience at this setting unique.Children have opportunities to explore a wide selection of activities. For example, when a group of children show an interest in the small building blocks, staff take an active role in their play, prompting them to persevere when challenges occur.

Children carefully place blocks on top of one another to create great structures, concentrating well and explaining what they are doing every step of the way. Children also enjoy play dough and engaging in pretend play with their peers.Staff encourage them to explore all tools and cutters available and children follow instructions correctly and skilfully use these to make cakes and different patterns.

This further develops children's fine motor skills, problem-solving skills and helps strengthen their social interactions.Staff are very inspirational. They understand children's needs very well and adapt the planning to ensure they provide positive and exciting experiences for all children.

For example, when children express an interest in aeroplanes, staff engage them in an activity of making paper aeroplanes. They clearly demonstrate the steps and children follow the instructions with ease. Children proudly show their creations before going in the large hall to join in a 'flying aeroplanes' competition with their peers.

They laugh with excitement and show high levels of energy, which supports their competitive spirit.Leaders are reflective and passionate and have a very clear vision for their setting. They aspire to provide great experiences for all children, in a safe and happy environment.

Leaders value their staff. They implement robust and tailored training opportunities to ensure career and professional development for all staff. Staff feel involved and well supported, and report they are very happy to work at this setting.

They benefit from effective induction and regular meetings to share their ideas.Partnerships with parents are effective. Staff and leaders communicate well with the parents.

They listen to their feedback and needs and work relentlessly to provide flexibility and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St Swithun’s Church of England VC Primary School

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