Starfish Kids Club

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About Starfish Kids Club

Name Starfish Kids Club
Address St Andrews Church Hall, Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2AD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BrightonandHove
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children excitedly look forward to arriving at the vibrant after-school club. Staff walk children back from the school site, chatting with them about their day and about the activities that are on offer for the evening.

Staff encourage children to be independent in all activities and routines. Children put way their own belongings, help make a healthy snack and serve it up to their friends. Children are extremely well behaved, and staff have high expectations for this.

Staff model kindness, respect and gentleness, and this has a positive impact on the way children respond in play, and general conversations with each other ...and staff.Staff play alongside children in a variety of activities and the club is full of the sound of laughter. Children choose from a large assortment of activities which cater for their different interests and capabilities.

They enjoy outside play and using their imaginations to create artwork to take home. Staff ask children to help create the clubs programme and encourage them to put ideas into the club's 'suggestions box'. Staff have an excellent understanding of how children play and learn.

They take time to get to know each child's character and individual needs. Consequently, activities are targeted to motivate and engage children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children tell the inspector that they enjoy the club because the 'grown-ups are really nice'.

They like to choose what they want to do, and mix and play with other children. Parents comment that they believe the club is excellent and delivers a high level of pastoral care. They say that their children have so much fun and are always reluctant to leave.

Staff are well supported by leaders. They receive a very thorough induction and take part in ongoing training which helps them to meet the needs of all children, including those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff mention that they feel very supported by the leadership team and, as such, find the club an inspiring and rewarding place to work.

Leaders have a positive attitude for improving their service. Children and parents are invited to contribute ideas to the already excellent provision.Staff build up strong bonds with children.

Children demonstrate that they feel safe and happy in the company of the staff that they have come to know so well. Staff encourage children to mix and play with other children of different ages who they might not see in school. Consequently, even very young children have a large friendship group which has a positive impact on their self-esteem and confidence.

Children are exceptionally independent from the moment they arrive at the club. Even very young children put away their belongings, apply suncream and go to help serve snacks. They freely choose activities and help to set them out for others to enjoy.

Children are competent in their own self-care needs, such as handwashing, without being prompted to do so. Older children nurture younger children. They invite them to play football and encourage them to score a goal.

Children beam with excitement when others celebrate their achievements in play.Staff demonstrate an extremely confident understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children from harm. They are fully aware of what they need to do if they have concerns about the welfare of a child.

Staff demonstrate a thorough knowledge of safeguarding protocol in line with local policies. They regularly check the site for hazards and are vigilant when supervising children as they eat. There is a password system in place to ensure that children only go home with a known adult.

Staff are aware of medical and dietary needs of children and are all trained to handle an emergency.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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