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About Starfish Kids Club @ Cottesmore
Starfish Kids Club @ Cottesmore
Cottesmore St. Marys Rc Primary School, The Upper Drive, Hove, BN3 6NB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff warmly welcome children arriving at the club. Children immediately start enjoying a range of creative or physical activities, indoors and outside.
They feel happy and safe in the care of the competent and trained staff. Children confidently tell the inspector about how they love coming to the club, saying 'This is the Starfish Club. It is brilliant.'
They ask her about what she is doing and speak with confidence about their experiences. They are proud of their club and like the staff. Children are very polite and behaviour is excellent.
Children play board and card games and cooperate well with each other a...nd staff. There is lots of laughter when a member of staff does not win a word game. Children are keen to share their knowledge of the different games and how to play them.
Other children enjoy using their imaginations and being creative. They mould brightly coloured clay and explain 'I am making a rainbow pancake and I am going to add gold.' Children proudly show the inspector their realistic watermelon models.
Plastic beads are also popular and children focus intently as they make their intricate designs.Outside, children enjoy playing football and skipping. They enjoy the fresh air and physical exercise after a busy afternoon at school.
This prepares them for a healthy and delicious snack, when they chat happily with friends and staff. Parents are delighted that their children have such a happy and fulfilling time at the club. They happily tell the inspector that many of their Christmas tree decorations were made at the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Behaviour at the club is excellent. Children contribute to a set of 'golden rules', and a Club Council enables children to share in making decisions. This promotes a feeling of friendship, support and unity.
Staff ensure that children are very well looked after and know how to keep themselves safe. Vigilant staff supervise activities outside and indoors. Staff communicate using walkie-talkie devices, which means support, if needed, is provided quickly.
Children dress warmly during the colder months. They enjoy physical exercise to keep themselves warm and healthy after a busy day at school.Hygiene practices are effective.
Staff safely prepare food and children wash their hands before eating. Children enjoy making healthy snacks and choosing their fillings at the 'sandwich station'. Fresh water is available to ensure children remain hydrated.
Juicy watermelon is offered for dessert. Children enjoy this independence and opportunities to learn about food. Sometimes, they make flatbread pizzas and parents talk about their children teaching them to make them at home.
Parents speak very highly of the club. They say their children's happy smiling faces at home time tell them that they have had a wonderful time. Parents particularly value the enrichment provided through creative activities.
Limited access to screens help children enjoy a range of creative and physical activities. Parents speak warmly of the club coordinator and how much their children like the staff. Parents can access an informative website and social media pages, where photographs show artwork completed at the club.
Policies and procedures are available here for parents to refer to. The club responds to ad hoc parental feedback.The club enjoys a close relationship with the school.
Some school staff work in the club and there are effective systems for sharing information. This means that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported. Parents of the youngest children receive regular information.
This helps to provide a picture of their child's personal development and well-being. The headteacher takes an interest in the club and is pleased to offer after-school care to working parents.Managers ensure that all staff receive regular training.
Staff have a range of qualifications, including playwork. Staff feel supported and receive regular supervision. This helps to build an effective and skilful team and staff have opportunities to strengthen their knowledge.
Staff say they feel well supported in their role and really enjoy their work with the children at Starfish Club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a robust knowledge of safeguarding matters and how to raise concerns.
They receive regular training into the different aspects of safeguarding, including the Prevent Duty and County Lines. They are aware of the signs and symptoms that a child could be at risk of harm. Staff have completed paediatric first aid training and take appropriate action in the event of an accident.
Routine risk assessments ensure that the environment is safe and secure. Management have organised and clear recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff have suitability checks at the point of employment. Ongoing induction and supervision ensures that staff are supported and checks are in place to ensure they remain suitable to work with children.