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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
When children arrive at this outstanding setting, they are excited and fully immerse themselves in an activity of their choosing. Staff deploy themselves across all areas of the setting to help them provide support and reassurance to children who need it.
This also allows them to supervise children closely and extend learning opportunities when they arise. Staff have high expectations for all children and especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Children join together each morning for a short group time.
They benefit from group singing and reading and demonstrate their excellent liste...ning skills. Staff use this opportunity to remind children of the golden rules at the setting. Children confidently talk about the 'golden rules'.
They share the importance of the rules and why they are in place with their peers and visitors to the setting. For example, children talk about keeping the environment clear and tidy so that nobody falls over and hurts themselves. Young children begin to develop an understanding of how to keep themselves safe and this is extended even further when children explore road safety outdoors.
Furthermore, staff recap on the golden rules during the day. This helps support positive behaviours throughout the setting. Children play well with their peers, share resources and show great ability in their social interactions.
Children demonstrate an excellent understanding of what is expected of them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team has embedded a well-sequenced and challenging curriculum that is relevant for the children who are attending the setting. Staff plan meaningful learning opportunities for children that extend their current skills and knowledge helping them to make excellent progress across all areas of learning.
Staff recognise the experiences that children receive outside of the setting. They plan opportunities for children to extend these skills by offering outings to explore the local community. Children often visit the local shops and care home to learn more about the people living around them.
This enhances children's experiences and helps them to learn about the world around them.Staff plan the environment extremely well to support children's growing independence. For example, tissues are placed near mirrors to encourage children to look and clean their own noses and faces.
Coat pegs are clearly labelled and placed at a low level so that children can access their own belongings. Children demonstrate their confidence and strong abilities at carrying out tasks for themselves throughout everyday routines and activities.Interactions between staff and children are outstanding.
Staff use every opportunity to teach children new skills and provide a language-rich environment. For example, when children are building in the sand pit, staff ask open-ended questions such as, 'What are you making?' and 'how are you going to build that?' This helps children to think critically and to share their own ideas.Staff work closely to fully support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They set targets together that are regularly shared with parents and access support from other professionals to provide the highest standard of care and education for all children. Furthermore, staff teach parents how they can continue to support children's learning at home and this supports their excellent progress even more.Staff are very well supported at this setting.
There is a well-being officer who takes on the responsibility of looking after staff's welfare. This gives staff support and guidance for any aspect of their lives. Furthermore, they organise awards evenings that praise staff for their continued efforts and hard work.
This, alongside the excellent supervision arrangements in place, supports staff extremely well and helps them to feel valued and appreciated in their role.The management team has built excellent relationships with the local school and teachers. They work closely throughout each year to support children's transitions to school.
For example, children enjoy watching the nativity and sports day at school. Staff share vast amounts of information with teachers to give them an excellent understanding of children's needs and progress. They arrange to visit the school with children, and teachers also visit children at the pre-school.
This helps children to become familiar with new adults and supports transition exceptionally well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.