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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children have fun and are settled at the welcoming pre-school. They develop the skills that they need for the next stage of their learning, including the move on to school.
Children demonstrate good levels of confidence, showing that they feel safe and secure. They quickly join in with an activity of their choice. Staff play alongside children and engage them in meaningful conversations.
Children explore a block of ice with animals frozen inside. They safely use plastic knives and try to cut the ice to release the animals. Children tell staff that 'ice is cold' and 'it melts'.
Children use their imagination as... they engage in role-play activities. They pretend to make cupcakes, placing them in the microwave and oven to cook. Children make-believe they are driving a car, announcing 'we are going to Afghanistan'.
Staff extend their play by suggesting they use a map to navigate their way. Children take part in small-group activities. They bring in special items from home to show their peers.
Children proudly talk to the group and pass their item around for others to see. They display high levels of concentration and are beginning to recognise significant numbers, such as their age. Children develop early literacy skills.
They enthusiastically use wooden instruments to tap out the rhythm of their name. Staff give children consistent guidance about the expectations for their behaviour. Children behave well and play cooperatively together.
They are kind and caring to their friends.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The pre-school is clean and bright. Staff provide children with a wide range of enjoyable play activities around all areas of learning.
Children are happy, confident and motivated to learn.Staff work well together and morale is high. The experienced manager strives to provide high-quality inclusive care and education to all.
She meets regularly with staff to identify training needs and discuss best practice. Staff are keen to continually improve their knowledge and skills. For example, at present they are undertaking training to further support children's outdoor learning experiences.
Staff have a sound knowledge of the curriculum and how to help children make good progress across the areas of learning. However, on occasions, some targets set for children's learning needs are not always precise enough to ensure that children are able to progress to the highest level.Children have lots of opportunities to be physically active as they engage in interesting play activities outside in the fresh air.
Children develop mathematical knowledge as they excitedly fill and empty different-sized containers with water, pouring it onto the plants.Although the nursery has a key-person system in place, the manager does not consistently monitor this to ensure it is fully effective and meets the individual needs of all children.Staff support children's independence well.
They encourage children to pour their own drinks at snack time and to put on their coats when they go outside. Staff provide children with healthy meals and snacks. Children adopt good hygiene routines.
Staff obtain detailed information from parents about their children's development when they first begin to attend. They visit the family home to get to know the children in their own surroundings and to establish secure parental partnerships from the onset.Staff make parents feel welcome.
They keep them well informed about their child's time at the pre-school. Staff display a wide range of information in the reception area to support parents, for example what children do at the setting so they can continue this at home.Parents speak highly of the kind and caring staff and the wonderful activities they provide.
Staff engage with other settings children attend effectively, sharing information with them to promote a complementary approach to learning.Leaders, such as the nominated individual, understand their roles and carry these out effectively. They have a clear vision and work well with the manager to ensure the pre-school is well managed and sustainable.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of safeguarding and child protection procedures. They know how to recognise and promptly respond to any potential concerns about a child's well-being.
Staff keep their knowledge up to date by accessing regular training. A secure entry system is in place and staff monitor access to the pre-school. Children are well supervised throughout the day.
Staff carry out daily checks to make sure resources are fit for purpose and children play in a safe environment. Robust recruitment arrangements ensure staff are suitable for their roles and understand their responsibilities.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: set even more precise targets for children's next steps in learning to help them make the best possible progress strengthen monitoring systems to ensure the key-person system is fully effective in meeting the individual needs of all children.