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St Paul’s Road, Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8HW
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school? '
A place of possibilities' is how leaders describe their school. They are absolutely right.
Highly skilled adults nurture, inspire and enable children to grow. Leaders and staff are highly ambitious for what children can achieve. They want the very best for them.
No limit is put on what children can accomplish.
Children make exceptionally strong progress. The enticing learning environment and carefully planned activities spark children's interests.
They settle quickly and love to explore. There is a real buzz of learning across the nursery. For example, at lunchtime in the bistro children develop excellent social skills as they eat by candlelight to ...the sound of soothing music.
Staff ensure that every moment is a learning moment.
Staff get to know and understand each child really well. They gently and patiently show children how to do things.
They sensitively help children understand and manage their emotions and feelings. Relationships with adults and between children are exceptionally strong. Children behave very well and look after each other.
Bullying is not an issue.
A strong partnership with parents and carers is in place. Parents say that their children flourish.
They value the way leaders look after whole families, as well as their children.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders know exactly what they want children to be able do by the time they are ready for school. They have set out an ambitious, highly engaging curriculum with clear end points.
In each area of learning, leaders sequence the key knowledge they want children to learn. They build in opportunities for adults to further support and extend children's thinking. They take a rigorous approach to ensuring that all children access a broad curriculum.
Nothing is left to chance.
A well-thought-out approach to teaching and learning is deeply embedded. Leaders ensure there is an effective balance between planned learning experiences, adult-led sessions and child-led learning.
Teaching helps every child achieve the best they can in their learning and in their personal and social skills. This includes children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff make daily checks on what children have learned and make necessary adjustments to their teaching.
Children achieve extremely well.
Adults are very well trained and have a deep understanding of how young children learn and develop. They skilfully help children learn new things through precise teaching and clear demonstrations.
They give children time to think for themselves. Staff know just when to intervene. They teach with passion, energy and purpose, inspiring children into new areas of learning.
Adults are highly effective at encouraging children to have a go. Children quickly gain confidence and independence.
Leaders rightly ensure that there is a high focus on developing children's communication and language skills.
Although many children have extremely limited communication skills on entry, adults help children gain strong language skills so that they can thrive. Children are keen to talk about what they can do. They remember words they have been taught, such as nocturnal, overflow and minibeasts, and explain what they mean.
All adults know the key vocabulary that is to be taught, practised and learned.
Children display a love of stories, poems and rhymes. Staff choose books to link to the curriculum that inspire and excite pupils' interest.
They read to children every day. The delivery of the school's phonics programme is effective. When they are ready, children have the opportunity to practise their phonics knowledge across a wide range of activities.
Careful planning ensures that children's development is promoted very well. Staff make sure that children have rich learning experiences indoors and out. Outdoor spaces support children's physical development extremely well.
Children hunt for minibeasts in wooded areas, while others paddle and explore how to build a dam. Children learn how to be an artist choosing their own brushes and paints. They enthusiastically describe the shapes they use when painting in the style of Kandinsky.
Staff support children to develop bonds with each other and to play together extremely well. Staff are alert to any disagreement between children and work with them to find solutions. Children show great care and concern for their friends.
For example, a girl gently placed her friend's sun hat on her head before they went out to play. They are extremely well motivated and eager to learn.
Governors are deeply committed and ambitious for Stockingford Nursery.
They hold leaders to account for the quality of education provided effectively. Staff feel valued and proud to work at the Nursery. They feel very well supported by leaders and value the high-quality training package on offer.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff complete high-quality training, so understand their responsibility to report concerns, no matter how small. They know pupils and their families very well.
They quickly spot changes in behaviour and note any concerns. Effective record-keeping, including the new electronic recording system, and processes are in place. Leaders secure the help of other agencies, so children and families get help when needed.
Leaders check and record staff's suitability to work with children.Through the curriculum and in the exciting learning environment, adults support children to take risks safely. Children learn to climb, balance and put safety glasses on when hammering nails.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.