Strawberry Fields Day Nursery

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About Strawberry Fields Day Nursery

Name Strawberry Fields Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 24 Grange Park Road, London, E10 5EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WalthamForest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The manager is ambitious, professional and regularly reviews all aspects of the nursery. She has successfully developed a positive environment, where leaders and staff collaborate and work well with each other and support good outcomes for children. • Children are confident, happy and form secure emotional attachments with their key person and other members of staff, who support children's welfare and personal development to a good standard.

• Staff understand the importance of working in partnership with parents to support children's well-being and development. Parents comment positively about the nursery. They are happy with the information they receive... each day about their children's learning, care routines and the progress their children make.

• The manager and staff are committed to providing high-quality experiences for all children. Working together, they meet regularly to reflect on the service that they provide and actively seek the views of children and parents as part of their self-evaluation and ongoing improvements. • Staff engage enthusiastically in play with children, who enjoy their time in the spacious well-resourced setting.

However, at times, children's group activities get slightly chaotic. During these activities, some children become distracted while other children's learning needs are not as well met as at other times. • Some staff do not always give children enough time to think and respond to questions to fully develop their thinking skills.

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Strawberry Fields Nursery

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