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Notting Hill Community Church, Kensington Park Road, LONDON, W11 2ES
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children are highly confident to say goodbye to their parents and carers at the gate. They quickly re-establish their routine following the summer holidays and demonstrate they have retained their knowledge of how to behave.
New children are exceptionally well supported to settle in. The setting has an extremely flexible approach to settling new children in that prioritises children's emotional well-being. Staff expertly identify children's emotional needs and tailor their interactions to build a trusting relationship with each child.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. Older children play cooperatively together ...with space-themed toys. They are highly respectful of each other and listen to each other's ideas for building a rocket ship.
Staff plan exciting science experiments that stimulate children's feelings of awe and wonder. They skilfully use questions to encourage children to predict what will happen next. Children are highly motivated to join in with the planned activities that stimulate their interest.
Pre-school children are inspired by famous artists to develop their creativity and create space-themed artworks of their own. Leaders and managers are highly ambitious for children's learning. They recognise the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's development and place a strong focus on children's communication and language development and personal, social and emotional development.
Staff consistently challenge children to extend their vocabulary from a young age. For example, toddlers learn the names of sea creatures, such as 'seal' and 'jellyfish'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are highly enthusiastic about what they teach children.
They skilfully use children's favourite stories to engage them in meaningful play. They bring books to life by dressing up as characters from the book. Children are consistently engrossed in a variety of themed activities, such as making characters from the book out of play dough.
Children consistently demonstrate extremely positive attitudes to learning.Children are extremely well behaved. Older children learn to put their hand up and wait to speak during group activities.
They demonstrate very good levels of self-control. Children recognise the impact of their behaviour on others. For example, they share popular toys when they notice a friend wants to join in their play.
Children are highly independent. From a young age, children learn to use tools, such as cutlery, with great skill and control. For example, toddlers use a knife with great care to spread humous on their bread at snack time.
Children master skills for later life and make excellent progress.Children develop excellent levels of communication and language ability. Staff demonstrate an expert understanding of how to support children's language development.
For example, they use repeated words and phrases and give children plenty of time to respond to questions. Staff use mealtimes to engage older children in conversation about their packed lunch. As a result, children are highly confident when speaking to others and articulate themselves exceptionally well.
Staff plan highly challenging experiences for children to develop their physical skills. Younger children develop skills beyond their expected level. For example, they expertly use tweezers to pick up small objects.
Older children develop their coordination further to skilfully use a hammer and nails. Children learn to control their movements extremely well.Leaders and managers are highly supportive of the staff team.
Staff are highly qualified and have expert knowledge of young children's learning and developmental needs. Leaders and managers are strong role models for new staff and give staff regular feedback and guidance. As a result, the setting maintains an extremely high level of care and learning for children.
The whole staff team develops excellent partnerships with parents and carers. Parents highly praise the staff and say they see their children make amazing progress as a result of attending the setting. Staff share ideas for further learning at home so children's development is consistently challenged.
Leaders and managers provide children with a variety of opportunities to develop an understanding of their local community. For example, children are actively involved in events to raise money for local charities. They deepen their knowledge about others in the local community and learn about the world around them.
Staff support children to develop their character exceptionally well, teaching children to be thoughtful, caring, kind and considerate of others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.