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Heatherlands First School, Library Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 2BG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are greeted warmly by the staff in the 'Tigger room' when they first arrive.
Children independently unzip coats and take them off, supporting their physical development and independence. Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children, asking if they have had a good morning so far, for example. This helps children to settle quickly ready for their day.
Younger children in the 'Piglet room' show focus and engagement during circle time. Staff sign language to support children's communication skills. Younger children have fun and embrace music and movement.
Children show good listening skills thro...ughout.Younger children confidently explore the room, looking through family photo books. This supports children's emotional well-being and engagement.
Children behave well, feel secure and settle in their environment. Older children enjoy using their imaginations and role play going to school. Staff use interactions well to support children's interests and extend their learning.
For example, staff extended an interest in flags by introducing flags from around the world, supporting children's curiosity about the world in which they live.Parents comment positively on the support and updates they receive daily regarding the care and development of their children. Parents express that support is not only directed at the child but that staff also support the whole family.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, managers kept in touch with parents and provided home-learning bags to support children's learning and development.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Management has a clear and well-targeted curriculum intent that is implemented well in both rooms. Staff plan based on children's interests.
For example, children in the 'Piglet room' enjoy moulding and creating gingerbread men, which is a current interest, using play dough and various tools. Children attend forest school and visit the library weekly, providing children with varied learning experiences within the community. Staff focus on prime areas of learning.
The remaining areas of learning are entwined through daily routines, such as mathematics during circle times, song times and mealtimes.Staff know children well and their next steps for learning and development. Staff expertly encourage children to solve problems and think for themselves.
For example children work together to find resources they need to fix a hole. Staff show caring and respectful attitudes towards children and are extremely attentive to children's individual needs. For example, staff quickly notice when children need support in self-care, such as wiping their noses.
Children engage in a range of activities that capture their attention. However, at times, staff do not utilise the learning environment as well as they could, to enhance children's learning experiences, both indoors and outdoors.Staff support children's communication and language well and identify gaps as soon as children begin nursery, using a speech sound assessment.
Children receive swift support, with speech and sound intervention groups, if needed. Children enjoy splashing in a big puddle that is bubbly. Staff encourage the use of new vocabulary, such as 'big, bubbly splashes' and 'big jump'.
Children who speak English as an additional language (EAL) see their home language through signs and books within the environment. However, staff do not provide many opportunities for children to use their home language in their play and learning The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) is proactive in ensuring parents and children receive all the help they need for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). She consistently reviews their needs and contacts outside agencies to get additional funding and support.
The SENCo provides support for staff and ensures all children's individual learning plans are successfully shared with parents.Children develop and take pride in safe and healthy practice. For example, children use cutlery independently, make healthy choices at mealtimes and enjoy washing their plates and cups when they have finished.
Children in both rooms show confidence in washing hands, and staff skilfully encourage and support independence. For example, in the 'Piglet room', staff ask children to show them how to pour their own drink.The management team is passionate and dedicated, and staff feel well supported.
The manager ensures there is ongoing training for staff to help improve their skills. For example, the training coordinator and member of the supervisory team have recently attended a course about the importance of supporting children's core muscles, sharing this learning with staff. Self-evaluation is ongoing daily, and the manager has recently used feedback from parents to extend the outside area for the children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff show good understanding of safeguarding procedures and know how to safeguard children effectively. The environment for children is safe and secure.
Children manage risk appropriately. For example, they enjoy jumping off crates confidently and safely. Staff have secure knowledge through regular training, and the training coordinator ensures that staff are always up to date with mandatory training.
Managers have robust, effective and efficient recruitment procedures in place. These help to ensure that any adults working with children are suitable to do so.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff's understanding of how to consistently support children who speak EAL, further supporting their well-being and overall language development review the way in which staff use the environment, to give children the best possible learning opportunities, both inside and outside.