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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
The provider rarely visits the setting and provides little useful support to staff.
Staff have tried hard to improve the curriculum and focus on what children need to learn next. However, the provider does not provide useful guidance and feedback to ensure changes are implemented and developed well enough. While children enjoy their time at the setting, there remain too many missed opportunities for staff to support their development and prepare them fully for their next steps in learning.
Children are happy and enjoy their time at the setting. Staff are friendly, kind and care for the children well. Children fee...l safe as they settle easily into the setting where the atmosphere is calm and welcoming.
Staff offer praise when children achieve their self-care goals to help develop their confidence and self-esteem. Children build close and affectionate relationships with staff. This helps to give them a sense of belonging.
Staff give children clear guidance and explanations and children behave well. However, staff interactions do not sufficiently encourage children's learning and communication skills.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
New staff, including those with management responsibilities, have not received appropriate induction or training to help them fulfil their roles.
Concerns raised by staff are left unresolved. Staff are left to work out how to fulfil their roles, and this has led to some staff feeling isolated and under pressure. Staff morale is low, and their well-being is not supported.
The provider does not ensure that there are sufficient professional development opportunities to help staff deliver high-quality learning experiences to meet children's needs. There is an online learning platform, although staff are not able to access this to help develop their skills. Since the last inspection, some training has been provided by the local authority.
However, the provider does not monitor and support staff effectively to ensure that a high-quality curriculum is being developed.Documents are not adequately kept. While appropriate checks are made, the provider does not make sure that current information relating to checks completed on staff is readily available.
Some paperwork is chaotic. Children's records are disorganised and not easily accessible. This does not help the safe and efficient management of the setting.
Staff have a secure understanding of the signs that would cause them concern about a child's welfare and know the processes to follow. They know what to do if they had a concern about another member of staff, including escalating their concerns to the appropriate agency. This helps to keep children safe from harm.
However, the provider has not ensured that documented procedures in relation to the local safeguarding partner's processes are up to date.The provider does not make sure that all staff, including allocated key persons, have the relevant experience or information to manage children's specific needs. Guidance from professionals to help support children with additional needs is not routinely shared with staff.
As a result, staff are unable to fully support these children's development.Despite weaknesses in the provision, children enjoy exploring the resources available and leading their own play. Staff read books with children and promote their independence well.
Staff encourage children to put on their coats and wellies, and they wait in a line until they can play outside. However, staff do not make sure that the garden and equipment are ready for them to use, which leads to children having to wait. As a result, they become restless and distracted.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date take action to ensure the effective oversight of the provision, including monitoring the delivery of the curriculum to ensure that all children receive high-quality learning experiences 08/11/2024 ensure staff receive successful supervision and professional development opportunities to help address any concerns as they arise and improve their practice further 08/11/2024 obtain and share relevant information with staff, including advice from other professionals, to help ensure the needs of all children are being met 08/11/2024 make sure records are efficiently managed and readily available to aid the safe and efficient organisation of the setting 08/11/2024 ensure all staff, including those with management responsibilities, receive a suitable induction to enable them to understand their roles and obligations.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.