Sunflower Sherards

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About Sunflower Sherards

Name Sunflower Sherards
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ployters Road, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7PS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

The provider's oversight of the pre-school is poor and they have very little contact with the staff.

The provider has failed to respond to staff's requests for training and support. They do not ensure that staff know who to inform in the event of an allegation being made about staff. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do not have the support they are entitled to.

Consequently, children's safety and welfare cannot be assured. Despite this, staff are committed to their roles, and they do the best they can for the children with the knowledge and resources they do have.Children settle ...well and form strong attachments to staff who show they care for them.

They are happy and content at the pre-school. Staff foster children's imagination through their interactions. They pretend to be workers at a car wash as the children excitedly drive under a tunnel.

Staff encourage children's independence. Children learn to do 'coat flips' to put on their coat and concentrate as they persevere to do up their zips. Children are well behaved and know what is expected of them.

They patiently wait their turn for the bicycle they want. Children listen to staff and follow their instructions. Staff promote good manners and turn-taking.

They are kind and patient with children who go to them for reassurance and hugs.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider does not ensure that staff receive the required training to help them understand their roles and responsibilities or the appropriate guidance and support to develop their practice. Staff identify and inform the provider of their training needs.

However, the provider has failed to respond to these requests. Consequently, staff's morale is low.The provider does not make sure that staffing arrangements are effective.

This means, at times, the needs of all children are not met and their safety and welfare are compromised.The provider has failed to ensure that staff know the procedure to follow if an allegation is made about a staff member. Staff do not know the person to report concerns to within the organisation or the outside agencies they need to contact.

This does not keep children safe.Despite many requests from staff, the provider has failed to ensure that staff are appropriately trained to enable them to effectively support children with SEND. Staff do the best they can to meet children's needs.

However, their lack of training means that the children do not receive the support they need to make good progress.The provider fails to adhere to employment law. Staff do not receive the appropriate breaks they are entitled to when working with children.

This poses a risk to children's welfare and does not promote staff's well-being.Despite the significant weakness in the provider's oversight of the pre-school, staff provide a well-resourced and stimulating environment indoors and outside. This allows children to develop their own imagination and lead their own learning.

Children confidentially explore the environment and develop their problem-solving and thinking skills well.Staff are committed to providing children with the best care and education they can. They get to know children's likes and interests and plan activities that support children in leading their own learning.

However, the provider does not ensure that the planning is tailored to support children with SEND or that it captures their individual learning to help them to make the best possible progress.Staff support children's early language skills. Children enjoy choosing nursery rhymes to sing.

They copy staff's actions and excitedly sing some of the words. Children take part in physical exercise. They enjoy parachute games where they run underneath and lift the parachute up and down.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure the safeguarding policy includes the action to be taken in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff 20/12/2024 train all staff to understand the safeguarding policy and procedures, particularly the action to take if an allegation is made about an adult working with children 20/12/2024 ensure managers and staff receive effective supervision that offers them support and provides them with the opportunity to raise training needs and discuss sensitive issues and fosters continuous improvement 20/12/2024 make sure that staffing arrangements meet the needs of all children to ensure their safety 20/12/2024 put in place appropriate arrangements to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities 20/12/2024 ensure other legal obligations are adhered to, with particular regard to employment law 20/12/2024 ensure the level of achievement and learning styles of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are understood and the information is used to plan learning experiences that are tailored to meet their needs.


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