Sunny Days Private Day Nursery And Pre-School

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About Sunny Days Private Day Nursery And Pre-School

Name Sunny Days Private Day Nursery And Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 50 Vale Road, Whitby, Ellesmere Port, CH65 9AY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireWestandChester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and engage well with both planned and free choice activities.

They have opportunities to explore the environment and develop their curiosity. Children enjoy taking part in various investigations and messy play activities. For example, younger children explore the texture of materials and how to print with natural objects.

Staff support older children to learn about volcanos and discuss what happens when they erupt. Children confidently share their interests and discuss the different features of dinosaurs with staff. Staff place a big focus on developing children's early language and communication ski...lls.

They model language effectively and reinforce key words. Recent training has helped to enhance staff's knowledge of supporting children to develop good speaking skills. The manager is ambitious and is passionate about providing a high-quality curriculum to all children that attend the setting.

Children benefit from a broad range of learning experiences that are tailored to their individual needs. This helps children to develop key skills required for their future learning and development. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported extremely well.

Staff use their assessments well to identify gaps in children's learning. They plan a range of interventions and swiftly seek support from other professionals when required. This helps to ensure that all children make good progress during their time at the nursery.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work very closely with parents to help to ensure that children's needs are understood and met. They take time to get to know their key children and develop close relationships. Staff encourage parents to share information and attend extended settling-in sessions.

This helps children to feel secure and supports their emotional well-being effectively.The manager has worked hard to meet the needs of parents and children during the pandemic. She successfully identifies common issues parents may be facing and shares different strategies to help to support children's development at home.

Parents engage very well with the nursery and share lots of information about children's interests and experiences. Staff use this information well to enhance their curriculum and planning. Children demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning and are keen to share their own ideas.

Children develop a good understanding of personal hygiene and follow daily routines independently, including washing their hands. They discuss with staff how germs can make you sick and why it is important to brush your teeth.Staff have a very good understanding of how to support children's developing language and communication skills well.

They use books and discussions as an opportunity to introduce new vocabulary and explain the meaning of words, such as microscope. Younger children enjoy listening to stories in the garden and sit with staff to sing familiar songs and rhymes.Children benefit from a good range of learning experiences outdoors and have opportunities to be physically active.

For example, staff plan regular movement sessions and encourage large scale mark making in the garden. However, on some occasions, staff are less effective at helping to extend children's understanding of physical health and the effects of exercise on the body.Staff consider children's interests and prior learning when planning activities.

This supports children's self-esteem and desire to learn. However, some staff are less clear on what skills and knowledge they want children to gain through planned activities.The manager supports staff through regular supervision meetings and discusses training needs.

She works with staff to implement new ideas and identify future improvements. This helps to ensure continuous improvements and a high-quality service for children and families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a clear understanding of their responsibilities to safeguard children. They are confident about the procedures to follow should they have concerns about any of the children in their care. Regular training and staff meetings help to keep the staff's knowledge of legal requirements up to date.

The management team follow robust recruitment procedures when appointing new staff to help to ensure that they are suitable for their roles. They engage with the local authority to discuss changes to safeguarding guidance and update their policies.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: build on the staff's knowledge of the curriculum intent so they are clear what skills and knowledge they want children to gain from activities and experiences nenhance the curriculum for physical development to ensure that children develop a good understanding of healthy choices and lifestyles.

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