Sunshine Pre-School

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About Sunshine Pre-School

Name Sunshine Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Crescent, Bomere Heath, SHREWSBURY, SY4 3PQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Shropshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled. They happily leave their parents at the gate and walk straight into the setting. Children form strong bonds with each other as they play collaboratively together.

For example, they use their imagination as they wash and dry each other's hair while pretending to be hairdressers. They run over to the staff and excitedly say 'smell my hair'. Children have fun being musical as they play different instruments, such as triangles.

There are positive relationships between the children and the staff. This is demonstrated as the children start to seek them out when they are in need of support. Chi...ldren behave well.

Children use most of their senses to look, touch, smell and taste a range of fruits, such as pineapples, pomegranates, mangos and bananas. They show high levels of concentration as they attempt to peel and cut the fruit independently. Staff use this opportunity to surround the children with new describing words.

For example, they introduce words such as 'spiky' 'smooth' and 'bumpy' as they ask the children what the fruit feels like. Staff proactively share and gather information from other settings that children attend. This enables them to work together to support the continuity for the children in their care and/or learning.

Consequently, children make good progress in their learning from their starting points.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has regular supervisions with staff. She uses these to identify training that staff would benefit from.

Staff comment positively about the support they receive from the manager. However, the monitoring of staff practice is not sharply focused on raising the quality of teaching and learning that children receive to the highest level.Staff plan a range of activities for children to access in the indoor environment.

However, they do not think well enough about what they intend for children to learn as they access the activities. Consequently, at times, some activities do not build effectively on what children already know and can do.The curriculum covers all areas of learning.

However, staff do not ensure that the curriculum is fully embedded in the outdoor environment for those children who prefer to learn in the natural world. This results in occasions when children do not get access to meaningful experiences as they play outdoors.Staff have a clear understanding of their key children.

They identify what children already know and can do through discussions with parents and with staff at other settings that children attend. Staff then continue to monitor, observe and assess children's development over time to identify what they still need support with.Staff make referrals to other professionals where there are concerns about a child's development.

They continue to monitor the children closely to identify any further support they may require. This approach ensures that children receive the right level of support they need.Parents comment positively about the setting.

They say that the settling-in sessions are tailored to their children's needs. Staff regularly share information with parents about how they can continue to support their children at home.Children are supported to learn how they can live healthy lifestyles.

Staff have regular discussions with them about how they can keep their bodies healthy and clean. Children are provided with a range of balanced meals. They thoroughly enjoy their mealtimes as staff give them yoghurts, crackers and fruits.

Staff place focus on supporting children to learn about their emotions and feelings. Staff are consistent in their approach to managing children's behaviour. They use a distraction method, while also talking to the children about how their actions affect others.

Staff recognise and praise children for their positive behaviours. The manager continuously reflects on what the setting does well and identifies further ways to help improve outcomes for children.Staff support children to learn about what makes them unique.

They use a range of opportunities throughout the year to teach children how people may look, sound and talk differently but still need to be treated equally. The manager is passionate about supporting children to learn how to care for themselves and others. This prepares children well for life in modern Britain.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff know where they can get advice from if they are concerned about the welfare of a child. They know how to make referrals to those with statutory responsibility to keep children safe from harm.

Staff are able to recognise a wide range of abuse. This includes the 'Prevent' duty, domestic violence and county lines. They undertake risk assessments and complete health and safety checks to ensure that the environment is safe and suitable for children.

Leaders' knowledge of whistle-blowing procedures is secure. They know the action they should take if they are concerned about the suitability of a staff member.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen procedures for monitoring staff performance, to focus more precisely on raising the quality of teaching that children receive to the highest possible level make better use of planning to ensure that staff have a clear intent about what they want children to learn as they access activities nextend the curriculum for outdoors, to better support children who prefer to learn in the natural world and to provide them with meaningful experiences.

Also at this postcode
Bomere Heath Church of England Primary School

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