Super Camps At St James Prep School

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About Super Camps At St James Prep School

Name Super Camps At St James Prep School
Address St James Schools, Earsby Street, London, W14 8SH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority HammersmithandFulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enjoy their time at the club.

They arrive excited and curious to see what activities are on offer. Children confidently choose what they would like to do. For instance, a group of children plan and set up a 'club café'.

They play cooperatively and show care and respect for each other. Children happily chat to staff, visitors, and each other about what they are doing and include them in their play.Children have secure attachments with staff and demonstrate that they feel safe in their care.

They seek staff out to share stories, play games and join in with craft activities. Staff are positive... role models and are very good at involving all children in activities and conversations.Children behave very well.

They know the club rules and spend time with staff discussing these before their day begins. They understand expectations for behaviour, such as sharing and taking turns and keeping their shoes on. Staff praise children for their good behaviour, which promotes their self-esteem and well-being.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers are motivated to provide a good range of experiences for children. The well-organised activity programme means that the club runs smoothly, and staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities. Staff work well as a team and support one another effectively.

The experienced staff provide many opportunities for children to take part in creative activities. Children eagerly explore a wide range of craft materials and spend time producing wonderful paintings. They beam with pride as they excitedly share their creations with visitors and explain, in detail, what they have made.

Staff collect important information from parents when children join the club, to make sure they fully understand each child's needs. For example, they record dietary information and share this with all club staff. This ensures that children are not given foods that may cause them harm.

Children are supported by staff to make healthy lifestyle choices. For instance, they encourage children to choose a healthy snack option from the lunch bag they bring from home. Staff encourage children to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Children have access to a spacious outdoor area, where they can run around and enjoy fresh air and exercise.The manager and staff place high importance on keeping children safe. They are always vigilant about children's whereabouts.

The manager completes risk assessments to help ensure that areas used by children are safe and suitable.Staff recruitment is robust, and their ongoing suitability is regularly checked to help keep children safe. Leaders monitor the performance of staff effectively.

They hold regular team meetings and supervisions to support staff in their professional development. Staff say they are happy in their work and feel valued and supported.Parents are positive about the club.

They say that staff are kind, and their children look forward to attending the camp. Parents comment that they receive lots of information from staff at the end of each session, which helps them to keep informed of their children's day and activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff ensure that children's safety is their priority. They have a secure understanding of child protection issues. Staff have good knowledge of the possible signs that indicate a child is at risk of harm.

They know how to report any concerns about the welfare of a child or the conduct of a colleague. The designated safeguarding lead understands her responsibility to report any concerns about a child to the safeguarding team and other agencies swiftly. There are good arrangements to ensure children are collected by known and authorised adults.

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