Super Camps at Akeley Wood Junior School

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About Super Camps at Akeley Wood Junior School

Name Super Camps at Akeley Wood Junior School
Address Akeley Wood Junior School, Wicken Park Road, Wicken, Milton Keynes, MK19 6DA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff offer a warm and welcoming environment where children feel happy and safe. They organise a range of activities that children access on their arrival.

Children settle quickly and are eager to start their day. Staff plan events that provide a balance of physical play and creative activities. Older children learn different art techniques.

They create pictures by blowing paint into designs. Younger children work together to make a cage to capture a terrifying bear. Experienced staff adapt activities to engage children and excite them in their play.

Staff have high expectations for behaviour. They ensure children... are an integral part of the club by asking them what they would like to do. Children understand the rules of the club and their behaviour is good.

Staff are friendly and respectful towards the children in their care. They model how children should be kind to one another. Children make new friendships with ease and talk about the activities they enjoy.

For example, they enjoy playing competitive ball games, where all the children and staff join in. As a result, children learn to make strong friendships and learn a healthy response to competitive games, including how to both win and lose.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff develop positive relationships with the children.

Children are confident to initiate conversations with both their friends and staff. At snack time, children discuss different snakes. They wonder how long an anaconda is and if it is poisonous.

Staff talk about the different ways the children could find out the correct information so they can share it the following day. This excites the children and shows them the staff value what they have to say.Staff promote children's good health well.

They provide lots of opportunities for active play and they remind children to drink water throughout the day. Children understand the importance of washing their hands with soap before they eat and after using the toilet. Snack and mealtimes are sociable occasions.

Staff eat with the children and remind them to make healthy food choices when eating their lunch.Staff thrive on ensuring the children enjoy all their time at the club. They plan games for everyday routines to make them exciting for children.

For example, at tidy-up time, staff play the mystery game. They think of an item that the children must find, while they tidy up. There is great enthusiasm from the children as they wonder if they have tidied up the mystery item.

The manager and provider have risk assessments in place to ensure the safety of the children. The manager and staff complete daily safety checks in the areas children will access. The manager works in partnership with the school.

They communicate effectively, for instance, when maintenance work is taking place.Staff say they feel well supported by the manager and provider. The provider plans training at the start of each holiday club period for every staff member.

This ensures their knowledge is up to date, especially about safeguarding, behaviour, and first aid. The manager monitors staff practice. They use their knowledge and experience to help staff meet the high standards they expect.

As a result, children receive high levels of engagement from staff.Children speak very highly of their time at the club. They explain they enjoy meeting new people and making friends.

Children talk about the range of activities offered and how they know staff listen to them. Children describe their time at the club as awesome, enjoyable and exciting.Parents speak positively about the holiday club.

They receive information about the club from the website and through the registration process. The provider seeks and responds to feedback from parents and children following each holiday season. Parents report that communication is excellent.

They enjoy updates about their child's day and what they have been doing.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Akeley Wood Junior School Akeley Wood Nursery

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