Super Camps at Beacon School

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About Super Camps at Beacon School

Name Super Camps at Beacon School
Address The Beacon School, 15 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, HP6 5PF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children spend long periods at their chosen activities and enjoy it when the nurturing staff join in.

For instance, they concentrate well while creating models with very small construction bricks. Children confidently talk to the attentive staff about what they are making. Children behave well and listen carefully to instructions.

They know the rules and boundaries of the club and positively follow them as expected.Staff have created a welcoming environment for children. The provision is set up with well-considered resources, which capture the interests of children.

Staff are respectful and nurturing towards Throughout the session, there is frequent conversation and delightful laughter from children as they independently engage in a choice of games and activities. Children positively initiate conversation with a visitor and eagerly talk about their favourite activities at the club.

Children exhibit high levels of confidence and self-esteem. Older children are very respectful of the needs of younger children. For example, they halt a game of dodgeball as the younger children pass through the sports hall.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive good levels of support. Staff work in partnership with parents, teachers and other professionals to reinforce different learning strategies and goals. It is evident that this is an inclusive setting and all children feel happy, safe and settled.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders support staff through regular supervision meetings and team meetings. This ensures that any training needs are identified and the professional development of staff is tailored to ensure that they are able to meet children's individual needs. Staff comment that they feel supported by leaders.

Consequently, staff feel valued and enthusiastic in their roles.Staff have high expectations of children and their behaviour. They remind children of club rules at the start of every session.

Staff are excellent role models, they give children clear explanations and talk to them about the impact their behaviour may have on others.Children's voices are heard and respected. For example, children are regularly asked about what activities they have enjoyed at the club.

The manager uses the children's responses to shape the activities provided. This helps children feel they are listened to and valued.Staff listen to children's ideas and views well.

For example, they ask children about what resources they want to use. Children speak positively about their time at the club. Children are eager to take part in art and craft activities and are pleased with their achievements.

For example, they decorate dinosaur hats and make dinosaur pants following their own designs.Staff support children to develop an awareness of a healthy lifestyle. They encourage children to wash their hands before eating and drink plenty of water after playing active games.

Parents are encouraged to provide their children with healthy snacks and lunches. Staff encourage children to eat their sandwiches before eating sweet treats. However, at times, staff miss opportunities to support children to gain a better understanding of the importance of making healthy eating choices.

Staff provide a wide range of opportunities for children to develop their physical skills. For example, children are enthusiastic and motivated when playing dodgeball and football. They laugh and cheer each other on and applaud as they score a goal.

Children are familiar with routines. They follow their peers to line up, ready to move on to the next activity and mealtimes. However, at times, some children wait for longer than necessary as staff are not always prepared for these transitions effectively.

This means that some children struggle to stay focused and lose interest.Parent partnerships are well developed. Staff keep parents well informed about their child's daily achievements at the camp, through verbal feedback and written 'time for me' cards.

Parents speak very positively about how their children enjoy attending and the activities staff provide. They feel their children are well cared for and value the support they receive.Children confidently explore the welcoming environment and particularly enjoy the opportunities they have to thrive in the large outdoor playground.

Children have space to run around, ride bikes and go-karts and use the climbing equipment, which challenges them and supports their physical development. Resources and activities are age- and stage-appropriate and well planned. Children delight in learning about different themes, such as dinosaurs.

They study pictures of dinosaurs and make skeleton pictures with chalks and pretend to stomp and growl, imitating different movements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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