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About Super Camps at Royal High School Bath
Super Camps at Royal High School Bath
The Royal High Prep School, Western Park East, Lansdown Road, BATH, BA1 2UZ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Leaders plan varied and exciting opportunities for all children to access.
Staff welcome children with a smile and children are eager to explore the activities of the day. Leaders ensure activities are age-appropriate and nurture children's interests. Older children focus intently as they make various structures using small bricks and proudly share, 'I am making a boat.'
Younger children enjoy collecting natural objects ready to create their beach scene, linking to 'The Snail and the Whale' story staff had previously read. Children excitedly say, 'My green leaves are for the seaweed.' Children's motivation and focus is ex...cellent.
Leaders have high expectations for children's behaviour and implement effective rules and boundaries. Each morning, staff gather children and ask them about the rules and children confidently list these. Children behave very well.
Staff are positive role models for children, and they value their opinions and ideas. They praise children for being kind and using good manners. Children form good friendships and are kind to each other.
For example, children hold back tree branches so others can pass through safely. Staff are attentive to children's needs.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have a strong focus on the well-being of children.
They recognise how, in particular, younger children may need more time to settle. To support this they have 'time for me', where they can take part in quieter activities, such as reading. Leaders create a calm and welcoming environment, where children feel safe and secure.
Children find their own belongings and can access what they need independently.Leaders promote healthy choices and encourage good hygiene practice, such as washing hands after being outside. Children understand the importance of looking after the environment and help staff to tidy away when they have finished playing.
Children benefit from well-organised outside areas and have daily opportunities to develop their physical skills. For example, children enjoy the 'adventure playground' as they swing and balance along the obstacle course.Leaders ensure that staff are deployed effectively and closely supervise the children.
They check the numbers of children as they move between activities and staff use walkie-talkies to keep in contact with each other across the site. Staff work as an effective team and quickly meet children's needs. For example, when children fall, leaders calmly support them and implement clear first-aid procedures.
Children happily go to their next activity.Children learn about the wider world through the celebration of different cultures and traditions. For example, children make lanterns and discuss the colourful patterns, linking it to Diwali.
Staff and children talk about 'big landmarks' as they walk to their next activity. Children share ideas with each other such as Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty. Children recall experiences of visiting landmarks, and they share these as a group.
Leaders ensure staff have regular appraisals and have access to training, supporting their professional development. Staff report they enjoy working at the club and have a strong understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Leaders and staff reflect on their practice at the end of each day.
They work well together and communication between them is excellent.Parents speak enthusiastically about the club. They report on the consistent information sharing, providing a good overview of what their children have been doing during their day.
Parents speak highly of the leaders and state how their children enjoy the time they spend at the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.