Super Stars Private Day Nursery Limited

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About Super Stars Private Day Nursery Limited

Name Super Stars Private Day Nursery Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ideal House, 41 Longcauseway, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 9BP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bolton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The motto of 'play, learn and shine' is truly embedded across this special setting. Staff greet children with smiles on their faces as they arrive each morning.

Children engage in meaningful conversations with staff. They cannot contain their excitement to tell staff about the learning that they have done at home. A strong sense of togetherness pervades this nurturing setting.

Children's laughter and eagerness to explore is truly palpable. Staff morale is high. They work together to create a home-from-home environment, where children can thrive.

Staff are good role models. They provide children with clear expe...ctations for their behaviour. Children know what is expected of them and show excellent behaviour.

They are kind and courteous towards others. Children develop positive friendships and regularly embrace their friends with hugs. Staff provide children with an ambitious curriculum.

For example, they provide magnifying glasses for children to look at the granular detail of sand. Children enjoy these experiences and show good communication skills while they describe the texture and appearance of sand. Staff promote children's individuality and creativity exceptionally well.

Children relish dancing, singing and enacting the roles of princesses. Staff encourage children to immerse themselves into deep imagination. Children pretend to be chefs and use dough to make pretend cakes for their friends.

Staff encourage children to develop their independence from a young age. For instance, children learn how to tend to their own physical needs and are keen to help to tidy toys away. Children develop the necessary skills in readiness for their next steps in learning, including their move on to school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The setting has successfully addressed the weaknesses raised at the last Ofsted inspection. They have welcomed support from the local authority and other childcare professionals. Self-evaluation is effective.

For example, staff have redesigned play areas to better support children in regulating their own feelings. Children enjoy using the sensory room. They engage in mindfulness activities and learn how to meditate.

Children learn how to self-regulate their own emotions incredibly well.The setting has used current research to design an ambitious curriculum that meets children's individual learning needs. Staff provide children with a broad range of learning experiences.

Children show positive attitudes towards their learning and get off to a flying start in their early education.The support in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and children who speak English as an additional language is excellent. Staff understand the challenges that children may face.

They ensure that children get the support that they need to learn well. This helps gaps in learning to narrow and enables children to flourish.Staff reported that the setting gives their well-being high priority and ensures that their workload is manageable.

The setting has effective systems in place for staff training, coaching and support. However, some coaching arrangements for staff are in their infancy and have not had sufficient time to be embedded. This means that some staff are not clear on how they can improve their practice to help to keep children better engaged in their learning.

The setting gives high priority to developing children's communication and language skills. Staff are highly skilled in responding to children's communication needs. Babies babble with delight while staff sing to them.

Toddlers learn new words and pre-school children enjoy retelling stories. Children are articulate communicators, who use a wide range of vocabulary.The setting teaches children effectively about similarities and differences between themselves and others.

Children are proud of who they are and where they come from. They enjoy learning about different cultures, festivals and celebrations. Children recall wearing cultural clothing to celebrate Diwali.

They talk about what makes them unique and discuss the differences in skin colour.The setting uses additional funding to ensure that disadvantaged children have access to all activities and have any additional help that they need. Staff evaluate the impact of their interventions thoroughly.

They understand what works best to support children's learning. As a result, disadvantaged children make progress that is similar to, or better than, that of their peers. Children in receipt of additional funding thrive at this nurturing setting.

Staff teach children about the importance of following good hygiene practices. They demonstrate how to wash their hands to reduce the spread of germs. Staff promote children's understanding of oral health.

They talk to children about brushing their teeth and why they need to visit the dentist. Children develop a good awareness of how to keep healthy.Staff foster children's love of reading well.

They introduce children to a wide range of age-appropriate texts. Children snuggle up with staff to listen to their favourite stories. They take books home to share with their families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts the children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to embed coaching arrangements for staff, to help them to better understand how they can keep children engaged in their learning.

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