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About Superkids Club Rushey Green
Superkids Club Rushey Green
Rushey Green Primary School, 32-36 Culverley Road, LONDON, SE6 2LA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and eager to start their time at the club. They have formed strong bonds with staff and they happily lean in for a cuddle and chat throughout the afternoon. Children respond positively to the high expectations staff have for their behaviour.
They know the rules well and their behaviour is excellent. For example, children of all ages know to hang their coats up and sign in when they arrive. They demonstrate kindness to each other, staff and visitors.
For instance, they introduce themselves to the inspector, offering big smiles and making her feel very welcome.Children are highly independent. They enjoy... making their own choices and leading their own play.
For example, children enjoy using their imagination in the role-play area. They become 'dentists' and check the inspector's teeth, asking her 'which tooth hurts?' Children have countless opportunities to be involved in the planning of activities and experiences available to them. For example, they are invited to be part of the club council.
This provides children with the chance to share ideas and make suggestions about what they would like to do during their time at the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff build strong partnerships with parents. They ensure that there is a secure two-way flow of information.
Parents appreciate the regular newsletters they receive, keeping them updated and involved. Parents praise staff and say that they value the hard work staff put into the club. They comment on how approachable staff are and the support they offer.
The manager holds regular meetings with staff to discuss their practice and provides guidance and support to help them improve. Staff comment that they feel well supported and appreciated. This contributes to the well-being of staff being high and the atmosphere in the club being a kind and respectful one.
Staff demonstrate high levels of care and show genuine interest in what the children have to say. Parents comment that they 'get told off' by their children if they arrive early to collect them, as children enjoy their time at the club so much.Children's healthy lifestyles are promoted well.
They have many opportunities to be physically active and they make full use of the outdoor areas. Children enjoy the tasty and nutritious food that is provided for them. Older children comment that they enjoy coming to the club because they can build and they enjoy the food.
Partnerships with the school where the club is based are incredibly strong. Staff regularly meet with teachers to gather information about how best to meet children's individual needs. This creates a consistent approach in managing children's behaviour and supporting their learning.
Children have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe. They know to tell a member of staff if they need to use the toilet and the importance of letting staff know when they arrive. When the inspector joins younger children in the role-play area, they hand her a clipboard and encourage her to sign in, so everyone knows she is here.
Staff proudly celebrate the diversity of families, children and staff. The manager is passionate about creating an inclusive environment and this is evident throughout the inspection. Children are respectful of others.
During the weekly themes, children share their own experiences and knowledge with staff and their friends. For example, they recently learnt about Ramadan and are now sharing ideas about what careers they would like when they are older.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff are extremely well trained and knowledgeable with regards to their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe. They can identify signs and symptoms which may give them cause for concern about the welfare of a child in their care. They know the procedures to follow.
Leaders have robust recruitment procedures in place. They carry out relevant checks and ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff carry out regular risk assessments, both inside and outside, and quickly remove any hazards they identify.