Superkids Club St Mary’s

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About Superkids Club St Mary’s

Name Superkids Club St Mary’s
Address St Marys Catholic School, Westgate Road, Beckenham, BR3 5DE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this safe and welcoming club. The manager and staff work well as a team. This helps to create well organised and stimulating environments for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

As children arrive, staff warmly greet them with big smiles. Children come in happily, eager to share news and catch up on recent events with their friends. Children engage in a variety of interesting and age-appropriate activities, both indoors and outdoors.

Children show that they enjoy being active and busy. For example, children explore their ideas using art materials..., play board games and engage in team sports, like football and handball. These activities help to support children's agility and coordination.

Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. They encourage children to take turns and follow instructions. They praise children for their efforts and achievements, which helps to promote their confidence and self-esteem.

Children display positive relationships with their peers and staff. Children are well behaved. Children show a good sense of belonging and confidently speak with authorised visitors.

Children say they enjoy attending the club because 'it is fun', 'they have many friends' and 'they like the food'. Children use their imaginations to create and construct various artworks. Children enjoy engaging in arts and crafts activities.

For instance, younger children enthusiastically describe their drawings as 'an angel holding a sword and a shield'. Older children use good folding skills to create origami models. These experiences help children develop skills to support their learning and development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team is professional and they understand how children learn. They ensure that each young child is assigned a key person, who is there to help them feel emotionally secure and settle quickly. In addition, staff find out about the topics younger children are learning from their teachers in school and organise activities based on these themes.

This supports the continuity of children's learning and development.The manager and staff support children with SEND well. For instance, they work with parents to gather information about their children's needs before they attend the club.

Staff adapt their practices as needed to meet the needs of all children. This is one way they help children with SEND feel included and fully participate in activities.Staff understand that children need to relax after a busy day at school and during school holidays.

They successfully balance this by offering children opportunities to engage in exciting activities and experiences around their interests. For instance, staff organise outings to parks, the cinema and nature walks during school holidays. This helps broaden children's understanding of the world around them and prepare them for life in modern Britain.

Staff understand the importance of promoting healthy lifestyle choices and good hygiene practices. Children are provided with home-cooked and nutritious snacks. Staff follow robust routines to carefully monitor any food allergies, dietary requirements, and medical conditions that children may have to keep them safe.

Children explain that they must wash their hands before mealtimes to get rid of germs. Children have access to daily fresh air and activities, such as ball games and gardening, which help them develop their physical skills and emotional health.Staff create an inclusive environment.

They welcome all children and respect their views. For example, children talk happily about including their ideas and opinions in a suggestion book, and staff incorporate them into their play. Children are confident communicators who speak clearly and informatively with their peers, staff and authorised visitors.

The provider follows robust recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. She offers ongoing professional development for staff to help them progress in their careers and ensure their knowledge remains current. New staff receive a thorough induction and complete mandatory training to ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities.

Parents are highly delighted with the high-quality service they receive. They appreciate the wide variety of activities, which helps keep their children motivated to attend the club. Parents praise the staff for their nurturing approach and genuine interest in the children.

Parents have commented that their children are happy attending the club and often do not want to leave at the end of the day.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School LinguaPlay-Beckenham

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