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About Superstar Sports
Superstar Sports
Mansel Park Primary School, Culver Close, SOUTHAMPTON, SO16 9HZ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thrive at this nurturing, inclusive and well-managed setting. They are cared for by a dedicated and enthusiastic staff team, who go above and beyond to ensure children have a fun holiday experience.
Staff offer a wide range of motivating and energetic activities that captivate children's interest and motivate them to stay healthy. Qualified performing arts, gymnastics and football coaches lead a dynamic programme of tuition that provides children with variation throughout the day. Children showcase their dancing skills as they enjoy popular activities, such as a silent disco.
Outside, children explore the varied o...utdoor spaces, hunting for treasure or playing an energetic game of 'What's the time Mr Wolf? ' Staff support children's well-being and emotional security to an exceptional level. They consistently promote their high expectations for behaviour through well-established group rules. Staff model kindness and respect, so that children learn how to overcome a challenge if this arises in a friendship.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. They show great kindness and consideration for their friends, such as readily sharing some of the treasure they have collected, so their friends can have equal amounts. Staff's support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is a strength of this setting.
Specialist teaching staff and coaches, including staff who are known to children from local schools, ensure the effective implementation of care plans. Staff provide one-to-one support, as required. They create a safe, calm environment for children, when they need space out of the busy day.
Children needs are met to a very high level and they receive equal access to all activities in a way that is meaningful to them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children benefit greatly from the rich and varied timetable of daily activities. They settle quickly into routines and enthusiastically join in games.
Staff adapt activities to meet children's current interests and gather children's views regularly to inform new ideas. Children comment that they enjoy attending and speak very highly of the staff who care for them and their love for popular activities, such as football and inflatable fun.An exceptional focus is placed on supporting children's good health.
Staff provide children with clear messages about foods that are good for them. Children follow very good hygiene measures and understand why this is important. The provider uses additional funding, such as the Holiday activities and food programme (HAF), to provide nutritious, balanced, hot meals daily for children when they attend.
They work in effective partnership with local companies to provide food essentials for families, such as fruit and other meal items.Children are kept safe and are taught how to make the right choices. They show their good understanding of this as they listen intently to staff's clear instructions and follow these well.
Staff successfully embed fundamental British values, including respect and tolerance. Staff skilfully make the very best of opportunities to raise children's awareness of similarities and differences. Children show high levels of self-belief and show determination to try new things.
Staff ensure good levels of engagement with parents. They collect a comprehensive range of information at registration that ensures individual needs of children are known and acted on. Parents enjoy opportunities to attend family events and award ceremonies to celebrate children's achievements.
The provider has strong links with the on-site school.The provider ensures effective management and robust oversight of the setting. His ethos to promote an inclusive and welcoming service is well understood by staff, who hold the highest aspirations for all children.
Staff benefit from regular, high-quality training and supervision that ensures they fulfil their roles to a very high standard. They speak passionately about their roles in the setting and demonstrate high levels of commitment to providing a responsive service for local families.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The provider successfully promotes a culture of safeguarding that assures children's safety and good health robustly. Staff access a bespoke programme of training that equips them effectively with the skills and knowledge to keep children safe. They act swiftly if they identify a concern about a child or young person.
The provider ensures a proactive approach to risk assessment that includes identification of local risks and risks further afield in the wider community. Strong links with local schools ensure an effective two-way flow of information to safeguard children. Staff's initial and ongoing suitability is established through well-implemented safer recruitment procedures.