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About Superstars Burton On The Wolds
Superstars Burton On The Wolds
Burton On The Wolds Cp School, Barrow Road, Loughborough, LE12 5TB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the after-school club full of enthusiasm and eager to play with their friends. They quickly settle to their chosen activities.
Younger children delight in joining in activities with older peers. For example, they work collaboratively to build models with construction kits. When children feel hungry or thirsty they independently help themselves to fruit and a drink of water.
Staff are good role models and encourage children to be polite and respectful when they sit together at snack time. Children say please and thank you as food items are passed around the table. Children willingly offer to help one anot...her.
Children enjoy social interactions with one another and staff. They happily share their news and talk about their day at school and what they are going to do at the weekend.Staff provide a well-organised environment, where children can make their own choices.
They create spaces where children can actively join in with a wide range of play activities. For example, there are areas for creativity, imaginative play, technology games, and also space to relax and engage in quieter games. Children benefit from daily opportunities to get fresh air and enjoy taking part in outdoor physical activities.
Staff support children's well-being by setting them physical challenges. Children have fun as they ask staff to time them as they run around a circuit.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are skilled in creating a warm and welcoming environment, where all children are included and fully involved in daily routines and activities.
Staff know children well and offer activities they know will engage and stimulate them. Children have fun and thoroughly enjoy their time at the club.Staff foster strong relationships with the teachers within school.
They regularly communicate to ensure relevant information is shared and children are well supported at the club. This helps children to feel settled and secure as their individual needs are understood. Staff offer additional support when needed.
Staff support children's communication and language well. They listen to children with interest and engage them in thoughtful conversations. Children are confident communicators.
For example, they delight in discussing their hobbies outside school and enjoy sharing their artwork with others and describing their designs.Staff carry out robust risk assessments of areas used by children. This helps to keep children safe as potential hazards are minimised.
Staff have a secure understanding of safeguarding procedures and know what to do in the event they have concerns about children's safety and welfare.Children eat healthy foods and staff follow consistent hygiene practices to promote children's good health. Children understand the importance of washing their hands before eating.
They demonstrate an awareness of their own health needs as they comment that they need to have a drink after running around outside.Parents comment that children love coming to the club and enjoy their play experiences. Parents value the commitment of the staff team in providing a 'safe place', where inclusive practice is given high priority.
Children behave well and build positive relationships with one another and staff. They are respectful to staff and listen carefully to instructions. They help to tidy away the play equipment and relish helping to prepare the tables at snack time.
Children show care and consideration for their friends and play harmoniously together. Staff give children lots of praise and encouragement, which helps to promote positive self-esteem.Children demonstrate good levels of independence.
They select the resources they would like to use and confidently ask staff if they would like to choose a different game. They attend to their own care needs, filling up their water bottle when needed and getting a tissue to wipe their nose to prevent the spread of germs.Staff receive good support from leaders.
Staff have regular opportunities for supervisions and discuss their own training needs to continually develop their knowledge and practice. Leaders have good oversight of mandatory training to ensure it is renewed within required timescales. This ensures staff keep up to date with essential training, such as paediatric first aid.
This helps staff to deal effectively with any accidents that occur.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.