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About Superstars Hose
Superstars Hose
Hose C Of E Primary School, 20 Bolton Lane, Melton Mowbray, LE14 4JE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at the club. They settle quickly and choose what they would like to do from the range of games, crafts and activities that staff have set out for them. Children gather around an electronic games console with their friends and play a variety of problem-solving and chasing games.
They laugh exuberantly when they do well, and staff help them agree on which game to play next. Staff help them to take turns as they remind them to set a timer, and children readily allow the next child to play when the timer rings. Children concentrate as they use small building blocks to make a spaceship and work together to extend... this into a mini-world with a garage and figurines.
Other children develop their artistic skills by creating colourful pictures of cartoon characters and developing hand-eye coordination as they carefully place colourful beads onto a plastic board to make intricate designs.Children spend time outside in the playground practising their physical skills as they negotiate the climbing equipment. Staff supervise them closely and remind them to keep themselves safe.
Some children shoot basketballs into hoops, and staff encourage them to see how high they can throw, giving them praise and encouragement when they successfully get the ball through the hoops.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and staff plan activities around what children are interested in and like doing. They give children opportunities to make choices about what they want to do and encourage them to collect the resources they would like to use from the cupboards.
The staff know the children well. When children first start attending the club, they ask parents about children's individual needs, including food allergies. They liaise closely with the school to identify any children who may require additional support, and they are supportive and understanding of children's different needs.
Staff spend time talking with children and listening to what they have to say. They engage in conversations that enable children to share any worries they have. For example, some children will soon move on to secondary education, and they talk with staff about their recent visit to their new school.
Staff help to build children's confidence and resilience by discussing their experiences and explaining what to expect.Staff encourage children to be physically active and take managed risks as they use crates, planks and tyres to make different imaginary objects, such as castles and helicopters. Children cooperate as they help each other to carry, balance and build the constructions.
Children learn to take responsibility for themselves and others when they help staff to set the tables and put the food out at snack time. They readily help tidy away the chairs after playing on the console and serve one another with sauces when it is time to eat. Staff provide healthy snacks, and children sit together outside at picnic tables to enjoy cheese wraps with salad.
Staff seek the views of parents and children through a survey questionnaire and use this information to improve the club. For example, parents said they would like children to have hot food, and staff responded by providing some cooked snacks, such as pasta and baked potatoes.Children generally behave well.
Staff have put in place club rules, and children know the routine and quickly respond to instructions from staff. Sometimes, the session becomes noisy, and staff remind children to keep the noise down. Staff do not yet consider ways to help children to take more ownership of the club rules to enable them to manage their behaviour more proactively.
Parents say their children are happy to come to the club. They appreciate the food that staff provide and say that their children enjoy the range of activities on offer. Children say they like creative activities, playing outside and seeing their friends.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. They are aware of what to do if they are worried about a child.
The manager carries out appropriate risk assessments, and staff check the premises before each session to ensure that any potential hazards are identified and managed appropriately. Recruitment arrangements are in place to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff are aware of the importance of keeping children safe online and ensure that children do not access the internet while attending the club.