Superstars Mountsorrel

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About Superstars Mountsorrel

Name Superstars Mountsorrel
Address Christ Church & St. Peters C of E Primary School, Rothley Road, Mountsorrel, LOUGHBOROUGH, Leicestershire, LE12 7JU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club and happily settle into their chosen play. They greet visitors with interest and talk about their experiences at the club. Children are keen to talk to the inspector about their favourite things they do at the club and which resources they like best.

They describe their time at the club as, 'brilliant'. Children say they have nothing negative to say about their time at the club and value the staff who are kind. Children particularly enjoy the variety of craft and art activities.

They proudly show off the models they have made with pipe cleaners. Children describe features of their models, such a...s with 'wobbly eyes'.Children enjoy talking to staff about their family and recent events.

They have fun playing cooperatively with their friends in the large outdoor space. Children develop their large-muscle skills as they particularly enjoy the challenging outdoor climbing equipment. They enthusiastically play with the large parachute, creating their own games.

Older children support their young friends to know and understand the rules of the game. Children use their imagination well as they play, creating new worlds for the 'unicorns to fly to'. They introduce and explain words to each other, such as 'forcefields'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team and staff have high expectations for children's enjoyment in the club. They use praise and encouragement to enhance children's emotional well-being. Staff recognise and acknowledge children's achievements.

Children are well motivated and fully engaged in purposeful and enjoyable activities. Their behaviour is impeccable. Children relax and play in the welcoming learning environment that staff provide.

Children are confident and demonstrate high levels of self esteem.Staff build positive relationships with children. They know about children's individual needs well.

Staff provide a stimulating play environment based on children's interests. Staff support children's communication skills well. They listen to children with interest and engage with them in conversations.

Children are confident communicators. They describe in detail what they are doing. For example, they talk about the roles they are taking in their play, such as 'I am the queen and you can be the baddie'.

Staff listen to the children's views and ideas. They use these to provide activities which are engaging and enjoyable. Children remain interested as they practise skills and learn new things.

They also make independent choices and lead their own learning.Children engage in activities linked to themes and festivals throughout the year. They gain an understanding of the community where they live and up and coming community events.

For example, children say they are looking forward to carving faces on pumpkins in the autumn.Staff comment that they are happy and feel supported in their roles. They have regular supervision sessions with members of the leadership team.

This helps to improve their practice. Leaders have clear oversight over mandatory training. All staff training is up to date.

Children enjoy healthy food and drinks. This includes a wide selection of choices at all meal times. Staff encourage children to make decisions between different food types.

They allow children to contribute to the shopping list for the day. This helps the children to develop an interest in healthy foods.The dedicated and professional leadership team understand their roles effectively.

They work well with the host school and understand the impact the pandemic has had on children. Staff implement health and safety arrangements in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic well. They prioritise helping children to re-establish friendship groups.

Staff make sure children spend lots of time in the fresh air in the secure outdoor area.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The leadership team and staff have a clear understanding of their responsibilities to keep children safe.

They review the club's policies and procedures regularly to make sure these are up to date. Staff keep children safe. For example, they count the children as they move from the indoor area to outdoors.

All staff receive regular child protection training. They are able to recognise potential signs of abuse and understand what procedures they must follow should they have any concerns about a child or the conduct of a colleague. Staff understand wider safeguarding issues, such as online safety, extremism and radicalisation.

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Christ Church & Saint Peter’s Cofe Primary School

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