Sutton St James Pre-School

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About Sutton St James Pre-School

Name Sutton St James Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Hollinhey Primary School, Bell Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 0EE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireEast
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff know children and their interests well.

Children are happy and well settled at this pre-school. They are eager to enter the pre-school and confidently wave goodbye to their parents and carers. The pre-school provides a community for all the children and their families.

It offers a variety of community activities and support, such as an Easter fare and the community pantry. Children recall with excitement regular events such as 'mystery readers', where a family member comes into the nursery to read a story.Leaders use additional funding, such as early years pupil premium, well.

Staff consider the gaps in ...children's learning before deciding where to spend the funding. Staff have purchased additional resources and improved areas within the pre-school to reflect the gaps in children's knowledge and development. This helps children to catch up and close any gaps in their learning.

Children are learning ways to keep themselves and others safe. For example, a small group of children is chosen each day to help carry out the risk assessment. Children show delight as they use their pens and clipboards to tick of any areas of the garden they have checked for hazards.

Children recall why it is important as they say, 'We must close the gates so we have no strangers'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and her team plan a well-balanced and broad curriculum for the children. They know children exceptionally well and are aware of what they need to learn next.

For example, the pre-school is working on sharing and turn taking, as staff have observed that children currently struggle with this. All staff implement this skilfully at every opportunity throughout the day. All children are prepared for their next stage of learning.

Opportunities for children to develop their physical skills are plentiful. The outdoor area provides children with opportunities to climb, balance and negotiate space. Children take part in a 'wake up and shake up' each morning to get their bodies moving.

They develop their hand-eye coordination as they place candles in the play dough while making cakes. Children's physical development is well supported.The pre-school is very inclusive.

It celebrates all families and their cultures, involving them in the pre-school. For example, parents are invited into the setting to talk to the children about their traditions. Children celebrate 'Spanish week', and they enjoy making gazpacho in the garden using a range of ingredients.

Children are developing knowledge about cultures other than their own.The dedicated manager has a very active role in the pre-school room. She spends a large proportion of her time with the staff and the children.

Staff report that they feel supported. They benefit from a continuous cycle of professional development and supervision, which helps to ensure positive outcomes for children.Overall, staff promote children's communication and language development well.

They narrate and talk to children as they play. Children engage well in stories. They listen intently as staff change their voices to act out characters in the story.

However, on occasion, staff do not consider the noise levels in the environment when carrying out small-group language activities. As a result, children quickly loose focus and leave the activity before it has finished.Staff have recognised that some children need more support with their behaviour and have worked together to review their behaviour policy.

Staff talk to the children about their feelings and use books to provide support. Children are confident to talk about their pre-school values, such as good manners and being kind. Children's behaviour is well supported.

Parents are very complimentary of the pre-school and the staff. They particularly like the 'community feel' and how all staff know all children and their interests. Parents are very much involved in their children's learning and next steps.

They have regular updates through parents' evenings and conversations on collection. The pre-school provides parents with take-home bags to assist with events such as toilet training and dummy use. Partnership with parents is effective.

Leaders failed to notify Ofsted of a change in the manager of the setting. Although this is a breach of the requirements of the 'Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage', there is no impact on the children or the running of the setting. The provider has improved their knowledge of required notifications to ensure this does not happen again.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider the noise level and environment before carrying out language activities to ensure children remain focused.

Also at this postcode
Hollinhey Primary School Sutton St James Out of School Limited

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