Swanland Kids club

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About Swanland Kids club

Name Swanland Kids club
Address James Reckitt Memorial Hall, North Ferriby, HU14 3QR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority EastRidingofYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff have taken appropriate action since the last inspection to address any breaches of the requirements. They are now very familiar with the procedures to follow to safeguard children.

They have undertaken an array of training and research to broaden their knowledge and understanding of safeguarding issues in today's society. Children have opportunities to voice their opinions and express their wishes during kid's club council. They are confident to raise and share their ideas about what they would like at the kid's club.

They recognise this time enables them to bring about changes and value the time given to their opini...ons.Staff ensure children's safety. Children are collected from school and safely escorted to the club building.

They are reminded about walking sensibly and staying with their group to keep themselves safe. Children happily enter the welcoming environment and follow the familiar routine. Staff provide all children with opportunities to develop their life skills and progress in their personal development.

They learn about diversity and their own communities. They learn about world events and tolerance and kindness.Children display extremely good manners.

They are aware of the expected behaviours and the club rules. They comment if their peers are not behaving as they should and remind them of the agreed rules. Staff ensure any newer children are familiar with using 'kind hands' and 'inside voices'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's behaviour is very good throughout the age ranges. Older children appreciate being able to act as good role models to the younger children and support them in their play. They demonstrate ways to be creative in the craft activities.

Children know they can talk to adults about any worries they have. They know staff act as trusted adults and that they talk to them if anything is upsetting them. Children feel safe in the setting.

Staff promote children's independence well. Children independently access their snack and older children act as good role models, pouring the other children's drinks. Children are encouraged to hang up their coats and wash their hands.

They help to tidy the activities away as the club nears the end and are helpful to staff.Staff teach children about healthy choices during discussions at snack time and in their activities. They learn about oral hygiene and foods which are kinder to teeth.

Children are exposed to a range of fruits from other countries, which support their overall knowledge of where food comes from. This encourages them to consider healthy options.Staff ensure children have access to a range of activities to develop their physical skills.

For example, one child reported how they love the dough as they do not have this at home and staff always make it available. They said they loved 'squishing it' and making shapes. They develop their fine motor skills as they expertly use the tools to manipulate the dough.

Younger children have a key person to support them and who can act as a contact for parents. Staff recognise when younger children may need more rest after a busy day at school. They ensure they can relax if needed in the cosy area.

Staff are able to support children with schoolwork, if this is required, and continue their learning in the setting.Parents are extremely appreciative of the care provided for their children, which enables them to learn new things. They feel staff are approachable and supportive to the children and their families.

Parents report that children love their time in the setting and the staff are very caring.The staff critically reflect on what they are offering for children and what is working well. They consider how training supports them in their work with the children.

They ensure all staff access a range of opportunities to ensure their knowledge is current.Staff work well with children, when they require additional support. They use strategies to support children to manage their behaviour and express their needs.

They work alongside professionals in the school to ensure children's individual needs are consistently met.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a good understanding of safeguarding issues.

They have undertaken extensive training to ensure their knowledge is current and are able to talk about the different safeguarding issues. Staff talk to children about how to keep themselves safe online. They supervise children well when in the outdoor areas and ensure these are checked for any risks prior to accessing.

Also at this postcode
Swanland Village Out of School Club Swanland Nursery and Pre-school

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