Swinton Playgroup

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About Swinton Playgroup

Name Swinton Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Reading Rooms, Main Street, Swinton, MALTON, North Yorkshire, YO17 6SR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children excitedly come into this welcoming playgroup and immediately join in games with their friends.

Staff know the children well and have a clear intent for their learning within the curriculum. They engage children in a variety of adult-led activities that build on what children already know and can do. For example, they ensure that children have an abundance of opportunities to develop their physical skills.

Staff provide a well-equipped and stimulating outdoor area to enable children to have the freedom to move their bodies in a variety of ways. This supports children's core muscle development.Children are confi...dent to seek out staff for play, comfort and support when needed.

For example, they wait patiently for staff to join them in their play, proudly showing them towers they have made from foam building blocks. Staff are good role models with high expectations. Children's behaviour in the playgroup is good.

Children follow staff's good example and learn to treat each other with kindness and respect. Staff show children how to resolve any disputes, and they cooperate well. For example, children who want to play with the same toy agree between them how long each turn will be by using a timer.

This enables children to understand what is expected of them as they learn to take turns and play collaboratively.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan for children's individual next steps in their learning. They know what they want to teach them next and why.

This enables children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to continually strengthen their knowledge and prepare for future success.Staff prioritise communication and language development in their curriculum. They create a language-rich environment for all children and follow their lead in play.

Staff model good language and teach children new words. For example, they state that the paper is beginning to 'crinkle' and 'disintegrate'. Children repeat the new words that they hear.

This helps them to become confident communicators.Children have some opportunities to develop their mathematical skills. For example, they enjoy rolling the dice as staff support them to count the correct number.

However, staff do not plan for the area of mathematics consistently. This means that, although children acquire some mathematics skills through their play, their development in this area is not as secure.Children enjoy singing their favourite nursery rhymes.

They wait patiently until it is their turn to choose what they would like to sing next. They delightedly complete the associated actions. This supports children to express themselves creatively and strengthen their social interactions.

Children learn about similarities and differences between themselves and their friends. Staff provide some resources that reflect different cultures. However, they do not consistently support children to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the different lifestyles and cultures of people in the wider community.

This does not prepare them fully for life in modern Britain.Children delight in spending lots of time playing outside. They play outside in all weathers, get lots of fresh air daily and confidently move around the garden.

They spend time digging and planting in their vegetable patch and gathering fruit from their apple tree to make a fruit crumble. This helps to promote their physical development and well-being.Mealtimes are social occasions, when staff and children clearly enjoy each other's company.

Staff encourage children to engage in conversation. Children are skilled in pouring their own water and serve themselves fruit with tongs. This helps children's personal and social development and develops their small muscle skills.

Leaders and staff value the relationships they have with families. Parents report that their children enjoy attending the playgroup and speak highly of staff. They feel involved, well informed and report positively on the progress their children have made since starting.

These relationships ensure consistency in children's care and education.Managers have high expectations for what children can achieve. They understand the importance of having a qualified staff team to provide good-quality experiences for children.

Staff state that they feel valued. They receive regular supervision meetings to help support them in their roles. This contributes to the already good outcomes for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop the curriculum to support children to gain a depth and breadth of knowledge in early mathematics consider more ways to help children to learn about other lifestyles and cultures in the wider community, to help prepare children for life in modern Britain.

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