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About TC Activity Club
TC Activity Club
Walker Primary School, The Green, London, N14 7EG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive full of excitement and are warmly welcomed into the setting. They confidently enter the hall and hang up their personal belongings. Children readily explore the activities that are available to them.
This demonstrates that they know the routine well. Children are kind and learn to form friendships, and interact with children of all ages. For instance, they chat enthusiastically through the radio and laugh together.
Children demonstrate good manners consistently and are polite to each other. Older children gently support younger children during tricky activities. Staff are very good role models for children....
Staff carefully tune into children's opinions to plan a wide range of activities, which are based on children's interests and needs. Children thoroughly enjoy sports and art and craft activities, which are very popular. They actively work as a team as they rearrange an obstacle course to make it more challenging.
Staff praise children's efforts and listen to their ideas. This helps children to feel valued and proud. Children take their responsibility seriously for tasks, such as being the snack leader.
They remind other children to clean their hands and make sure that there is enough snack for everyone. This helps children to develop their sense of respect and responsibility.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers work hard to establish a culture where children's views are appreciated and included.
Staff consult children about their wishes and ideas. Children suggest activities that they would like for the future. This helps staff to plan activities that they know will keep children interested and stimulated in their play.
Children are provided with plenty of opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles. All children are supported to follow good hygiene routines. They enjoy a variety of healthy snacks and help themselves to drinks.
Children take pleasure in playing various sports, including football and dodgeball.The provider recognises the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's emotional development. Staff and children carefully explore emotions together.
Staff provide various opportunities for children to think and reflect on their own and other's feelings. They ask questions, such as 'How do they make you feel?' and 'What do you think she will feel if you do this?' The provider and staff build and maintain positive partnerships with the teachers at the host school. Staff show a genuine interest in children's time at school when they collect them from their classroom.
They establish a practical and consistent link between the school and club. For example, staff talk to children about what they have been learning at school.Managers closely monitor the quality of care and experiences that staff provide for children.
They work alongside staff and observe staff's practice and identify any training needs. Managers share helpful feedback with staff to support their performance. Staff explain that they feel valued and supported.
They have access to regular training to extend their knowledge and skills, including first aid and safeguarding.Parents are complimentary about staff and the care which they provide. All staff establish positive relationship with parents.
Staff pass on relevant messages to parents at the end of each day. This means that children get consistency in care. Staff keep parents fully informed and involved.
Parents also comment positively on the provider's support for children and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.Leaders regularly reflect on and evaluate their practice. At the end of each day, they review how well children engaged in their play experiences and discuss what can be improved next time.
This helps staff to continue to enhance children's leaning and enjoyment at the club.The provider has safe recruitment procedures in place, including induction and ongoing supervision programmes. This ensures that all staff working with children are safe to do so, and are confident and capable in their roles.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff are fully aware of their responsibility in protecting and safeguarding children. All staff have undertaken safeguarding training and know the signs that a child may be suffering from harm or abuse.
They are confident with the action to take if they have any concerns about children's welfare. Staff encourage children to think about their own safety. For example, they explain to children why they should bend their knees when jumping off an object and what will happen if they do not.